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  1. over 8 years ago on Thatababy

    “Golden Age” my foot. It will only be the Golden Age of education when the government starts paying teachers a salary worthy of their talents. It always boggles my mind how every company in existence knows that when you don’t pay your employees enough money for their talents they find a different job, sometimes in a different field, and yet the government just tells teachers to “suck it up” and expects them to keep teaching.

    Low compensation = low quality product (the product in this case is the education of the students)

  2. over 8 years ago on Thatababy

    Talk to me when you have albinism kid. Trust me, it can be worse.

  3. over 9 years ago on Basic Instructions

    I disagree. Romance is an important part of a stable marriage. How that romance is expressed between you though can change form as the relationship does. If I treated my wife like I did when we dated, she would wonder what was wrong with me.

  4. over 9 years ago on Basic Instructions

    I disagree. Romance is an important part of a stable marriage. How that romance is expressed between you though can change form as the relationship does. If I treated my wife like I did when we dated, she would wonder what was wrong with me.

  5. over 9 years ago on [Deleted]

    Do you read scripture on a regular basis? Do you even know the surrounding circumstances for this event? If you have not read the entire thing, you are not qualified to make such a statementI have read the entire Bible from cover to cover, and many sections many more times than that. I do not believe anyone can understand a text like the Bible without reading it with the intent to comprehend it. Let me put it this way. If you read a textbook with the express purpose of disproving what is in it, and mocking it along the way, then you are playing with loaded dice. You cannot maintain an impartial perspective if you have already decided that what you are reading is false.How can you judge so harshly a book you clearly haven’t read?

  6. over 9 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    No one’s rights are being imposed on here. They don’t have the “right” to purchase a cake. They have the right to ask. He has the right to refuse service. That’s all a bakery is. If you take away that right from him, your not taking away freedom of religion. Your taking away the ability of a business to decide which customers to serve, even if the customer in question is asking them to violate their own personal beliefs. That is a grave injustice to the man who owns the store.

    This comic shows nothing but a gross misunderstanding of scripture, and of Christians as a whole. Misapplied scriptures abound. Have the authors of this comic even read the scriptures they are referencing? I have, many times, and I can say from experience that they have misconstrued each and every one.

    This is NOT an example of how things will “get worse” unless someone “puts a stop to it”. If the bakery had a sign that said "no gays allowed’, then yes, that would be discrimination. But that is NOT what is going on here. If they wanted a birthday cake, it most likely would not have been a problem. They were asking the baker in question to directly support their wedding and their relationship, and if he believes that what they are doing is wrong then that is in direct violation of his beliefs.Should he be legally required to support something he believes is wrong? Did anyone bother to ask why the couple didn’t just find a different bakery? Instead of finding one that would serve their needs, they said “I want THIS one”, which is what children do when they don’t get what they want. How about we drop the whole “me, mine, my way” attitude and expect people who are old enough to get married to act like adults.

  7. over 9 years ago on Reality Check

    This comic implies that walking dead ever had a decent plot to begin with

  8. over 9 years ago on Reality Check

    I do this math every morning before I get up for work

  9. over 9 years ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    She’s run this at least 4 times now

  10. over 9 years ago on Baldo

    Nah. If I could sum up what woman want in one word that’s not “love”, I would say “effort”. Its how they can tell we care. A lot of guys that fail with women do so because they don’t put forth the effort to understand how she feels about things. There is no substitute for talking and listening. If those two things sound lame to you, then you don’t want a woman. You want something a little more…questionable.