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- over 11 years ago on Luann
over 11 years ago
on Luann
I meant moreso as a character, by the commenters and the narrative.
over 11 years ago
on Luann
Thank you for saying this! I feel the exact same way about her. I feel like she is constantly degraded and brushed off because she takes pride in her appearance. It’s one thing to dislike her, but I wouldn’t call her an idiot. She knows what she wants and she’s got enough chutzpah to go out and get it. She’s a hard worker and no one seems to recognize that, in the strip or in the comments.
over 11 years ago
on Luann
I feel like there’s room for a lot of discussion and interpretation in the comments about every aspect of the characters and story but the moment you make a suggestion that maybe some characters would be better with others, it’s considered immature or tasteless or something. In other news, I’m bored of this storyline already. We get it. Luann is virtuous and never wrong, Tiffany is a terrible trollop and Quill’s outback heart forever belongs to the wholesome beauty of Luann. Next storyline, please.
over 11 years ago
on Luann
“THAT AWFUL STRUMPET!! CURSE YOU TIFFANY” – Every GoComics comment 90% of the time when it features Tiffany
over 11 years ago
on Luann
Was that confirmed? I felt it was too vague to be really solid, but I’ll take it as true. And I didn’t really interpret Ann as hitting on Bernice.And yes… I know that he is not gay. I think I have stated this. I said he and Quill would be an interesting partnership. More interesting than Quill and Luann or Gunther and Luann, or even Gunther and Rosa. But I acknowledge that he is not gay.
over 11 years ago
on Luann
Gunther is undeniably straight. I just feel like it would be an interesting match in personalities… and a true plot twist from Greg Evans, who has never had a single gay character in the whole strip.
over 11 years ago
on [Deleted]
Oh, I’m perfectly aware nothing will ever happen like that. I’m simply speculating based on personalities – I know Gunther’s straight as an arrow.
over 11 years ago
on [Deleted]
I am entitled to think certain characters would bring about more interesting plot lines if they were romantically linked together, thank you.
over 11 years ago
on Luann
If you check the archives, you will find that Tiffany actually attempted to help Gunther with his self-image with new clothes and a new persona. It was a while back, though.
I am soooo done with this comic… Greg Evans is a total hack. His characters are tragic. I don’t know why I keep reading this; I suppose I’m a masochist. Any chance to prop up illustrious heavenly beauty Luann against all others is a chance Evans will take.