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  1. over 10 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Well, this suddenly feels very much like a parent teacher conference.Firstly, please don’t try to manipulate language by claiming that this debate only serves two purposes my dear.It serves a far less sinister yet important function that you are willfully or blindly ignoring, which is to highlight what I believe to be the truth.You’re here to defend your business associate, so forgive me if I don’t instantly believe you as I feel that your point of view, as well as your argument just might be biased.

    Second, this isn’t about researching material from one source.Just out of curiosity, how much back and fourth took place when the decision was made to duplicate the entire look of a much funnier and beloved cartoon? I believe the Farside was far superior inevery way and this cartoon pales in comparison to Gary’s work.You simply cannot deny that the Argyle sweater has a virtually identical style to that of the Farside. And quite frankly, that is what I find to be the most disturbing. I was a huge fan of the Farside and I must admit that to see it mimicked in such a poor fashion makes me more than a little bothered.I understand, from a business perspective, your need to come to the rescue, so to speak. But this isn’t an attack on Scott as much as it is a defense of other cartoonists. And this is something that has been discussed all over the internet for quite some time.I’ve come across more than one article written in reference to the fact that the Argyle Sweaterseems to have researched material from other sources.If this is occurring, then although it would not be technically illegal, I would consider it to be immoral, lazy and just plain unfunny.This is not to say that coincidences do not occur, however the frequency of these occurrences, does make me a bit suspicious.But perhaps everything I think I see personally is incorrect.

    Further more, I am not the person who posted the images above, I simply agreed that I have noticed a similar pattern.Also, your accusation of me is incorrect.I am not here in an attempt to promote or harm anyone’scareer.As a point of fact, I’m trying to do the exact opposite by defending the works of cartoonist’s that I enjoy.Are we no longer allowed to have an open debate about what we see and feel?I thought this was the forum for just such conversation, yet here you are threatening to censor the debate.What a terrible place the world has become when honest talk and opinion is frowned upon.As for where the work appears, It’s not my place to tell you where the cartoons are published, for fear that you would use your influence to your advantage.I can however tell you with the utmost certainty that I have seen work that was repeatedly similar to the previously published work of other cartoonists.

    If I am wrong and this is all just coincidence then I’m sure we won’t see this happen again, or at the very least it shouldn’t happen again for quite some time.

    All of this of course, is my opinion based off of what I have personally seen.In the future, if I’m allowed to to do so, I will try to save and post any examples which I feel are similar in nature and will leave it to all of you to form your own opinions on the matter.But I sincerely hope that we are at the very least allowed to have an open and free discussion.

  2. over 10 years ago on [Deleted]


  3. over 10 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Darling, perhaps Gary and Max are unaware or have better things to do. Stop defending this with such blind religious ferocity. Because actually, you’re not defending the cartoon as much as you are excusing your complacency. I really don’t care what you do. Continue to enjoy the cartoon if you wish. But just understand that the style and material you see today was created…Excuse me, “inspired” by other people. And someone should defend them. Today happens to be my day off, so I can vigorously entertain this all day long. Cheers.

  4. over 10 years ago on [Deleted]

    Your argument is rooted in a hypothetical situation which cannot be proven one way or the other, yet you spout off as if it were fact. (Can you prove aliens don’t exist? NO? then they probably do exist.) Nice try, but not to worry, I’ll be sure to keep us focused on the matter at hand based off of the actual evidence. As I mentioned earlier,  this isn’t the first, second or third time I’ve seen this play out in my local newspaper. It happens on a fairly regular basis and I’m glad someone finally pointed it out. But please, just dismiss me and let’s just stay the course. So, based off of “Riotta Rigotta’s” and “Doh’s” logic here, let’s review. Even if it happens numerous times, and duplicates the entirety of someone else’s idea, it isn’t stealing, it’s inspiration. The more people you do this to, the greater the artist you will become.  And finally, so long as we laugh, (and the artist is famous) who cares where the material originated from? Right?  Do you both work for Scott’s P.R. department, or are you really this dense? This cartoon is a Gary Larson ripoff and is steadily becoming a Max Garcia copycat as well. 

  5. over 10 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    I’m sure it IS hard to come up with new ideas everyday. Which is why it’s wrong to take credit for someone else’s hard work. There’s a name for people like that . They’re called a thief. Even your defense of his work is condemning. You actually agree that he does in fact steal from several sources. Furthermore, anyone with a working set of eyes, cannot dispute the fact that the style of this cartoon is a blatant yet poorly duplicated reproduction of the Farside.

  6. over 10 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    OMG! I’ve noticed the EXACT same thing. There are definitely more examples of the Argyle Sweater duplicating the same concepts first used by Max Garcia. Both cartoons appear in my local paper and I see this happen on a fairly regular basis. I understand that people can occasionally land on the same ideas, but I consistently see the Argyle Sweater follow Max’s work with nearly identical comics. Too much for it to just be dismissed as coincidence, if you ask me. Coincidence is fine, and even mimicking certain aspects of another cartoonnists style or humor is understandable, but It’s not fair for an established cartoonist to consistently yank ideas from an up and comer. This is nothing new by the way. Stylistically speaking, The Argyle Sweater is clearly a ripoff of the Farside and now it looks like he has found a new victim.

  7. over 10 years ago on Sunny Street

    OMG! I’ve noticed the EXACT same thing. There are definitely more examples of the Argyle Sweater duplicating the same concepts first used by Max Garcia. Both cartoons appear in my local paper and I see this happen on a fairly regular basis. It’s not fair for an established cartoonist to yank ideas from an up and comer. Stylistically speaking, The Argyle Sweater is clearly a ripoff of the Farside and now it looks like he is copying others as well.

  8. over 10 years ago on WuMo


    Sunny Street did it better over a year ago!

  9. about 11 years ago on Sunny Street

    Haha! love it!