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ShinyHappyGoth Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 9 years ago on Little Nemo

    They want him back why, exactly?

  2. over 9 years ago on Little Nemo

    Interesting security system.

  3. over 9 years ago on Little Nemo

    Would you rather turpentine WITHOUT sugar?

  4. over 9 years ago on Little Nemo

    No, cranberry sauce. It says so.

  5. about 10 years ago on [Deleted]

    Ah, yes. The hot sauce. (Deary deary me…) Yeah, her commentary and/or accompanying storylets are at least half the fun. My personal favourite of the Red Wombat line is Blackbeard’s Rugged Tampons…

  6. about 10 years ago on [Deleted]

    Here, you might appreciate her Judas Pig BBQ Sauce label (not an actual sauce): http://www.redwombatstudio.com/product/judas-pig-bbq-sauce/

  7. about 10 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    chuckle Ursula Vernon (one of my favourite artists) and her husband have adapted the term “Judas goat” for consumer use; they use “Judas ____” to signify any mascot which appears to be cheerfully encouraging you to eat its own kind (such as a cartoon pig advertising barbecue, or a happy smiling ice cream cone).

  8. over 10 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    So he gets one day off a year, plus leap days?

  9. over 10 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    Chaucer… Rabelais… Balllllzac!

  10. almost 11 years ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    You can make oatcakes.