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From personal experience ( was a counselor for years), most people who want to be counselors are also seeking a way to solve their own inner problems.
Someone recently said, “Worrying about Disney ruining the Star Wars movies is like worrying that the iceberg will dive down and resink the Titanic.”
Science gave you this computer and and internet to complain about science on.
Peru is a MAGICAL place. Like Tahiti.
Or “Anorak” if you’re a British railfan.
Finally! Something worth adding BC to my comic list!
Real squirrels don’t smell like bacon… …until you pop the lil suckers on the grill…
“Excellent poem today PQ. You have no equal!”
Personally, I can’t wait for the sequel!
And here’s Vitamin in 40 years:
Once he’s knocked out, you can do whatever you want with Johnny. Hostage, information resource—leave him busted up as a warning. If you just kill him, you just have a dead PI
From personal experience ( was a counselor for years), most people who want to be counselors are also seeking a way to solve their own inner problems.