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  1. 19 days ago on The Knight Life

    I used it in my chemistry class as a lesson in thinking about what you read. They knew how to name molecular compounds so should have thought about the formula while reading about all the “hazards” associated with DHMO.

  2. 20 days ago on The Knight Life

    Though actually the story usually goes by DHMO – dihydrogen monoxide. Careful, you can wash fruits and veggies all you like and never get rid of it all :-)

  3. 3 months ago on F Minus

    My MIL was a secretary at a school in the 70s and said they would get bomb threats sometimes. However, they treated them like jokes, thanked the person for calling and then went on with the day. Years later she realized how serious things could have been.

  4. 7 months ago on Francis

    I have been listening to the podcast “Catechism in a Year” and it has been very informative. I am a cradle Catholic and should have learned this years ago.

  5. 9 months ago on Eek!

    They could try Baked Alaska!

  6. 9 months ago on Brewster Rockit

    And it seems like probes always look like that in every comic I’ve seen.

  7. 11 months ago on Last Kiss

    A good site to read through is at (delete the () ) science(.)nasa(.)gov(/)climate-change(/)evidence

  8. 12 months ago on Strange Brew

    I was at the Air Force Academy (3rd year they accepted women in) and a senior let my friend borrow his corvette. She couldn’t drive a stick and I had one lesson on an old Cortina before I got to the academy. That was an interesting time driving through Colorado Springs – only stalled once in the middle of an intersection. Another time a freshman asked me out, he borrowed a car but he couldn’t drive the stick, so I did. And he had the nerve to say “grind a pound for me” when I didn’t get a shift quite right! That didn’t last long. My husband and I have two cars with sticks because they are fun to drive, one is a 2013 Miata – gotta have a stick for that!

  9. about 1 year ago on F Minus

    Will Earth have to go into therapy like Pluto?

  10. about 1 year ago on [Deleted]

    Mine had a water/? stain that didn’t come out. I ended up using it to make the baptismal gown for our daughter.