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  1. almost 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Usually, we love Oliphant’s toons….. but, in THIS case….

    I suggest all you tenderhearts come down here to the Border, (known around HERE as the REAL War Zone), and stay for, say, a month, on the KRENTZ ranch. (Does that name ring any bells with any of you at all???) Between the everlasting illegals, (who, BTW, are not all Mexicans) and the blasted, never-ending DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, why, even YOU might be tempted to support this bill. The Feds are ignoring this massive, continual problem here in Southern AZ completely, and that is wrong.It’s an insult.We are so tired of them ignoring this horrible problem. BTW, another little FYI, We have only ONE Level One Trauma Center left here in Az. For the entire, huge state. Why? Because the medical/insurance/political community has taken all the rest of them away, due to trying to deal with, for just one example, TWENTY-TWO illegals in a rolled over Suburban, at least half going into emergency care, at an average cost of at least $20,000 per patient just for the Flight-For-Life ride to Phoenix,many miles away.The rollovers are a frequent happening down here. No insurance…. no money…just come to America & let us suckers pay. If WE rolled over our vehicle there in Mexico, why I bet they’d just escort us to a great ER and let US get off scot free with no bill to pay, right??? Yeah, tell us another one. Our country needs secured borders & ports!!! Every other country has them, why can’t we ???? Our border is HUGE, north and south. Most of it is unsecured. If you can even read, go read Stephen Flynns’ “America the Vulnerable”, which bristles with statistics,then come down here to the Border for a month, & after that, tell us you still feel all sorrylike for the illegals and the drug carriers/mules, who are committing a crime just entering this country….ILLEGALLY,darnit ! Then, we suggest, you open YOUR homes to the illegals to come stay in. And you wonder why this bill? And why we are armed down here? WAKE UP, America. How long until some nutcase brings in a dirtybomb?

  2. almost 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    I suggest all you tenderhearts come down here to the Border, (known around HERE as the REAL War Zone), and stay for, say, a month, on the KRENTZ ranch. (Does that name ring any bells with any of you at all???) Between the everlasting illegals, (who, BTW, are not all Mexicans) and the blasted, never-ending DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, why, even YOU might be tempted to support this bill. The Feds are ignoring this massive, continual problem here in Southern AZ completely, and that is wrong.It’s an insult.We are so tired of them ignoring this horrible problem. BTW, another little FYI, We have only ONE Level One Trauma Center left here in Az. For the entire, huge state. Why? Because the medical/insurance/political community has taken all the rest of them away, due to trying to deal with, for just one example, TWENTY-TWO illegals in a rolled over Suburban, at least half going into emergency care, at an average cost of at least $20,000 per patient just for the Flight-For-Life ride to Phoenix,many miles away.The rollovers are a frequent happening down here. No insurance…. no money…just come to America & let us suckers pay. If WE rolled over our vehicle there in Mexico, why I bet they’d just escort us to a great ER and let US get off scot free with no bill to pay, right??? Yeah, tell us another one. Our country needs secured borders & ports!!! Every other country has them, why can’t we ???? Our border is HUGE, north and south. Most of it is unsecured. If you can even read, go read Stephen Flynns’ “America the Vulnerable”, which bristles with statistics,then come down here to the Border for a month, & after that, tell us you still feel all sorrylike for the illegals and the drug carriers/mules, who are committing a crime just entering this country….ILLEGALLY,darnit ! Then, we suggest, you open YOUR homes to the illegals to come stay in. WAKE UP, America. How long until some nutcase brings in a dirtybomb?

  3. about 16 years ago on Ziggy

    He’s LUCKY! He HAS insurance!!!!

  4. almost 17 years ago on Overboard

    So far, I am NOT impressed. Hope you can make it load faster.