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  1. over 1 year ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “States are artificial constructs”

    So is universal suffrage, democracy, governance in general, and almost everything else that would go into a political discussion. This doesn’t enhance your point.
  2. about 8 years ago on The New GoComics Arrives Next Week!

    I find almost nothing beneficial about the new design. I dislike getting served a tablet-oriented site when I browse with my PC. There aren’t many PC-optimized sites left, and I appreciated that this was one of them. The old site was much easier to navigate with a PC. I hope you leave a site like the current one in place for people using PCs.

    I dislike the way that the comments don’t load automatically. I usually read the comments, and don’t want to click an extra button every time I want to do so.

    I dislike the new my comics page most of all. This is where I spend most of my time, so this is an important thing to fix. I liked the scrolling list of all my comics so that after I finished reading one, I could get to the next with a single mouse click and not have to go back, scroll down to the right place on the page, maybe change the page, and then select the comic. The old way was also great so that if I missed a day or two of reading, I could go to my comics page and replace the last number with a higher one (for example, http://www.gocomics.com/comic/explore/1851182/60 instead of /1) and read through the comics as though I had not missed a day. That way I could easily read through all of my comics with minimal clicks. With the new way, I have to go to each comic’s page separately, navigate back 2 or 3 days for each, and then return to the main page and do it again.

    As long as you leave the current site in place as a “legacy” option—or at least as the default page you get when you use a PC—all this is moot. That’s my preferred way that would solve these issues, as there’s nothing wrong with the current design, (on PCs anyway) and “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

    Please, please, don’t compromise the desktop experience in favor of mobile. I’ve stopped using many sites because of that.

    Read more: http://beta.gocomics.com/news/whats-happening/3479/what-s-changed-and-what-hasn-t-an-faq#ixzz4V2LCLn6k

  3. about 8 years ago on What's Changed and What Hasn't - an FAQ

    I find almost nothing beneficial about the new design. I dislike getting served a tablet-oriented site when I browse with my PC. There aren’t many PC-optimized sites left, and I appreciated that this was one of them. The old site was much easier to navigate with a PC. I hope you leave a site like the current one in place for people using PCs.

    I dislike the way that the comments don’t load automatically. I usually read the comments, and don’t want to click an extra button every time I want to do so.

    I dislike the new my comics page most of all. This is where I spend most of my time, so this is an important thing to fix. I liked the scrolling list of all my comics so that after I finished reading one, I could get to the next with a single mouse click and not have to go back, scroll down to the right place on the page, maybe change the page, and then select the comic. The old way was also great so that if I missed a day or two of reading, I could go to my comics page and replace the last number with a higher one (for example, http://www.gocomics.com/comic/explore/1851182/60 instead of /1) and read through the comics as though I had not missed a day. That way I could easily read through all of my comics with minimal clicks. With the new way, I have to go to each comic’s page separately, navigate back 2 or 3 days for each, and then return to the main page and do it again.

    As long as you leave the current site in place as a “legacy” option—or at least as the default page you get when you use a PC—all this is moot. That’s my preferred way that would solve these issues, as there’s nothing wrong with the current design, (on PCs anyway) and “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

    Please, please, don’t compromise the desktop experience in favor of mobile. I’ve stopped using many sites because of that.

  4. over 8 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    We aren’t a democracy. And if you’d read the other comments, you’d see why “one man, one vote” isn’t necessarily desirable.

  5. over 8 years ago on Henry Payne

    Right, but voting for anyone else does nothing. Seriously. Someone not from one of the two major parties hasn’t won in the whole history of the US. At least this way you can have your vote be for the lesser of two evils instead of being stuck with the greater.

  6. over 8 years ago on F Minus

    You sure it’s not a veiled alien invasion? All those beams coming down could be any number of alien devices…

  7. over 8 years ago on WuMo

    (for those who don’t get the joke: https://thecomicninja.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/pearls-before-swine-offensive-large.jpg")

  8. over 8 years ago on WuMo

    Why do Wulff and Morgenthaler feel they need to attack Polish people?

  9. over 8 years ago on [Deleted]

    How are either of those examples of a rigged election? Gore didn’t get enough electoral votes to win (and that’s the way the system has always been based, so it’s not like the establishment rigged it just to get at him) and Bern didn’t get enough of the majority vote to be the Democratic nominee (because he wasn’t even a Democrat).

  10. over 8 years ago on Henry Payne

    …What does any of that rant have to do with the comic? Just any excuse to get mad at conservative cartoonists and conservatives in general?