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- over 7 years ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
almost 8 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
The strangest, most surreal strip of this whole comic. A different sort of humour altogether. Weird as all get-out. And I absolutely adore it.
about 8 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
For some reason you instantly reminded me of Kid Radd (or Kidd Rad, I don’t really remember). Thought I’d mention it, as it’s one of my favourite webcomics.
about 8 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
She deserves full points for that comeback alone.
about 8 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
I felt the same way. But the next strip is up, so this arc is probably over. A pity…
about 8 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Susie we DID get to watch explode. :)
about 8 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Yes, and she doesn’t seem to realise it fully. That surprised me. She doesn’t feel guilty, she feels sorry for herself. I did expect more from her.
about 8 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
“I deserve an A for the work I WOULD have done” is her conclusion to the whole thing. If she’d put it the other way around – “I deserve an A for the work I would have done, but I deserve an F for the work I DID do”, then that lesson would have been learned. As it is, she focuses on the fact that she procrastinated so she didn’t get to do her best. That’s good. But it would have been even better if she’d just own up to the consequences of her actions, which is, she became what she accused others of being. She feels bad about that B+ because she could have done better; that’s an individualistic POV, which make sense in an individual project. But this is a group project, her chance to realise that she harmed others. She’s already not the most social of kids, and this could have been a great chance to learn social/empathy skills. But it was wasted.
She should feel bad about about that B+ because she contributed nothing to it, not (or not only) because she could have done better.
about 8 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
She acknowledged that if she had done her work instead of procrastinating she’d have gotten a better grade. That’s a lesson she did learn. But she failed to realise that she did what she was accusing other of doing, and failed to acknowledge that she harmed the work of others the same way she was certain others would harm her own work. That’s a biiiiig lesson in empathy and social skills totally not learned. She saw herself reflected in a mirror, and failed to understand what she was looking at.
All of her moaning in this strip is about her work and her grade. There is nothing at all to show she understood that, if she hadn’t been quick to judge, and if she’d done her bit instead of acting as though no one else was as good as her, they all would have gotten a better grade. She doesn’t seem at all bothered by having a grade she didn’t deserve; instead, she seems bothered by having a lesser grade than she would have otherwise gotten. C&H comparisons have been made before, so just to illustrate my point I can mention that Calvin was all about that sort of moral dilemma, there’s a couple of strips all about deserved/undeserved credit and recognition.
Marigold’s reply even hints at a feeling of “you deserved an even lower grade”, but I don’t think that’s her intention, nor does Phoebe picks up on it. Ah well. If she tells her parents about it, maybe they’ll set her straight. Maybe it’s too much to ask of a kid and her unicorn to realise (Calvin was, at these times, anything BUT a kid).
about 8 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
It somehow feels as though Phoebe failed to learn the appropriate lesson here.
I smell a Peter S. Beagle poke. Movie version at least.