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- over 8 years ago on [Deleted]
over 8 years ago
on Doonesbury
Hillary Clinton will never be able to reach the level of corruption which D. Trump has demonstrated throughout his life. Never. He openly bribed the Florida AG in order to get her to not join the well founded case against Trump U. He has been/is being sued by more people than any person who has ever run for an elective office. He broke laws and paid fines numerous times (such as his racist disregard for the fair housing laws where he openly discriminated against blacks). Almost all of the right wing claims against Ms. Clinton are falsehoods and half-truths. She is a saint compared to Trump. I wouldn’t vote her simply because she is a democrat. I’d vote for her because she is a very decent human being who works hard for others and has been a good public servant for decades. That she hasn’t been a selfish megalomaniac who cheats both those who work for him and those who trusted him (Trump U; his contractors, etc.), is simply a good reason to never consider voting for someone who is solely interested in making himself greater. Are you really so lame as to be interested in a man so vain as to color his artificially transplanted hair to hide his bald spot?
over 8 years ago
on Doonesbury
Epic saga Luke!! Obviously Jack you have no trouble contorting reality to conform to your own nightmare of a World.People who rape or kill also act out their emotions immediately; that doesn’t make it sane. Only an idiot would argue that. Trump’s speech and actions are those of a mythomainic and someone who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience (and this is said by “Qualified psychologists” also). His angry rants and thin skinned bullying or demeaning of others is not something “safe” or positive. Never does he show personal dignity or respect for others and is devoid of compassion. It was Trump who claimed he knew more than any of the “generals” at the Pentagon and who claimed he wanted to use nuclear weapons against ISIS. He has zero understanding of international affairs and is hated or distrusted by every world leader of the countries who are friendly with the US.(obviously Russia is not a close friend of America but Putin certainly loves Trump).As for your false conjecture of war-mongering against Ms. Clinton, she has spent far more years (decades actually) in public service than Trump (ZERO) and many, many other public servants both Democratic and Republican praise her for her judgment and careful deliberation of situations. These are not all war profiteers or gingoists.Your claim that someone who flies off in a rant every time anyone says something—no matter how minor or accurate—the least negative about him and has no control of his anger is a good or safe choice to be a leader of such a powerful country is insane. The only thing that D. Trump has shown is his overweening pride. He wants to make himself great, not America. He hates immigrants, Mexicans, Asians, Muslims, Blacks and constantly lies that America is unsafe (MUCH safer today than during Reagan’s time). His fear mongering is not the sign of someone with an even temper who would be a good president.
over 8 years ago
on Doonesbury
Well said and excellent point.
over 8 years ago
on Doonesbury
Illegal you are one mixed up dude living in your own alternative universe. You wrote:“So what we have is the most egregious untruth by Ms. Clinton and her lackey Comey. Moving on to Trump……no details. Because the real issues liberals have with Trump aren’t lies. . .”Everyone else knows that James Comey has been a registered Republican for most of his adult life. He was as harsh on Ms. Clinton as he could be legally. There was no grounds to prosecute her. She has withstood more republican investigation/witch hunts than anyone else and none of them ever found anything that was illegal. Even the numerous Benghazi charades found nothing and the republicans running those committees looked like fools compared to her dignified demeanor even under 11 hours of straight questioning. Same with the silly Whitewater investigation. Millions of dollars of tax payers’ money wasted and the only thing they could find was a blow job! Compare that to the Iran Contra illegalities of Reagan, Nixon’s Watergate and trampling on the US constitution or GW Bush’s War in Iraq and torturing and lies. No comparison! Most high school students engage in blow jobs but none of them harm the US the way Nixon, Reagan, and GW Bush did.What you call, “sacred PC protocols” are actually ways of treating other humans with decency and respect. Obviously this is something that Trump has never in his life done. His only concern is to make himself great. He has never done anything for the US; never made any sacrifice. He demeans real heros who have fought (and even died) for America but he does nothing that would take courage or giving to the country. His lies, and that is what they are, show him to be totally disconnected from any sense of honesty or shame for his ugly and divisive, often bigoted or racist, words. You are the one who should not be lecturing others, Seagull.
over 8 years ago
on [Deleted]
Thanks Jack!
over 8 years ago
on Doonesbury
If you really want an answer to your question try reading today’s NYT editorial endorsing Ms. Clinton. She has really served the US well for decades. Trump only has served himself. As a first lady, a senator and secretary of state she did far more, worked harder and helped other people WAY more than Trump ever has. He isn’t just a character. He is a racist, a bigot, a crook and a very dangerous person. He has been sued more than any other person who ever ran for a public office. He tried to cheat both people who trusted him (Trump U) and many, many hard working people who worked for him. Con man. Period.
over 8 years ago
on Doonesbury
Summerdog- I appreciate that you write more carefully (no mispellings, etc) and politely than most defenders of Trump or the Republicans.Ms. Clinton has had a very long, public career. All of us, at various times in our life, have either small stumbles or health issues. When you take these out of context or with photographic exaggeration and show them lumped together while intentionally trying to disparage someone, that can look way more damaging than the actual short-term nature of the event. Obviously her recent pneumonia episode was a difficult situation. She has been pushing herself to work harder, be in the public eye more often and is always held (even more than other women who are also judged this way) to a higher standard than any male. Take for example the totally false video put out (seems like last year) about Planned Parenthood. It was a sham. But many stupid people actually believed it. Another example is the “swift-boating” of John Kerry. Average or stupid people believe contorted stories and lies as if they had some reality. Both Kerry and John McCain were genuine war heros (unlike Trump or GW Bush) but their courage and dignity were trashed by low-lifes. We shouldn’t allow this kind of distortion of truth to change our views. This is not a personality contest. It is about goodness of heart and capability to actually serve America. Trump only wants to make himself great; he NEVER served the US or sacrificed anything for this country.It is great that you try to take information from various sources. I was not attacking you personally, only the distorted info.
over 8 years ago
on Doonesbury
Well said. There is actually an English term for this. It is Mythomania. Trump is a classic mythomaniac.“Pathological lying. People with the disorder are not able to control their lies and experience no guilt regardless of how the lies may affect themselves and others. The lack of guilt is frequently the result of the fact that the individual becomes so caught up in the lie that they are telling, they begin to believe it themselves. Their falsification is entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime. The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth. Sometimes however, the individual may be lying to make their life seem more exciting.”
over 8 years ago
on Doonesbury
Riveting tale, chap! All anyone has to do is simply quote Trump to see the lies (his speeches average a lie every 5 minutes). Even the worst of Hillary’s statements aren’t near the frequency or total delusion of Trump’s obvious mythomania. He is so out of touch with reality that he doesn’t even seem to know whether his statements are true or false.
Well Jack you’re off. I’ve never even heard of “Correct the Record”. I don’t live in the US. However, every single non-partisan fact checker agrees that Trump lies WAY more than Hillary Clinton. And there is no comparison when it comes to how mean-minded and nasty Trump’s speech and lies are. He wins that race to the bottom for sure.