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  1. about 9 years ago on [Deleted]

    I think the answer to your question is Eisenhower, back when tax rates were 70+%

  2. about 9 years ago on Jen Sorensen

    BS CarlMI, nobody was being accused of not paying their water bills in Flint and bankruptcy was not the issue either. You’re just trying to ram the blame down the throats of the less advantaged people. Everybody in Flint, rich or poor, were supplied the same crappy water by order of the state. The state is responsible and yes, your taxes will have to help pay for it. Next time, don’t vote for sleazy businessmen like Snyder and you won’t feel the need to be a prick to the poor people there.

  3. about 9 years ago on Tom Toles

    Sorry MikeFive, a city that’s 2/3rds minority population can be labeled minority w/o it being racist. Are you daft?

  4. about 9 years ago on Bad Reporter

    Google it, it’s out there.

  5. over 9 years ago on Jack Ohman

    Oh the humanity! … Oh wait…

  6. over 9 years ago on Bloom County 2019

    If not Bernie, we’re doomed. I wouldn’t be surprised if he follows the 2-space rule.

  7. over 9 years ago on Chris Britt

    rallsolo when the F do you sleep? stfua

  8. over 9 years ago on Freshly Squeezed

    Surely what Soros does somewhere else is more threatening than what the Koch Bros do here. uh huh

  9. over 9 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    You idiot, that was a pet lion, there was nothing brave about it.

  10. over 9 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    As compared to what. lol