Worst president ever

WiseOrator Free

Recent Comments

  1. over 7 years ago on [Deleted]

    It wasn’t hard for me to do some research and find out what YCBS wrote. Of course research requires effort, work and finding out the truth. Something anathema to most conservatives.

  2. over 7 years ago on [Deleted]

    Anybody see Fiendly and NPP together? Maybe they are one and the same…

    After translation, I agree with your comment.

  3. over 7 years ago on Jim Morin

    Which country has the worst education system? We seriously need to stop this sniping and dumbification (thank you Flo) of the American people in order to install republicans into office. I realize they hate education because the poorly educated keep them in power but come on people, we need to return to the greatest country on earth. And that is not by being the greatest in all of the lagging indicators like we are.

  4. over 7 years ago on Pearls Before Swine


    Thank you for the “beat down” of the downers and complainers. You are so right.

  5. over 7 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    Too much water is toxic if ingested. Water is also toxic if inhaled. Spun the right way the idiots in the gubbermint will ban monohydrogen dioxide. Of course if a profit can be made from it they will be all for regulation and limiting purveyors.

  6. over 7 years ago on Steve Benson

    Not even close. But your continuum of lies goes unabated and we intelligent, thinking adults in the room know and understand that you couldn’t be honest if your life depended on it. President Obama did not start the wars and he could not get cooperation in CONgress to disentangle us from the wars the WORST president in the history of this nation started. And no honest, intelligent self-thinking person can dispute that george the lesser bush is, by all measures the WORST president in the history of United States of America. As for veteran abandonment, Obama can only sign legislation that is drafted in CONgress. Nice try but the republicans have blocked almost every bill that would put in place any real, substantive reform or increase in funding. Do you know why veterans wait so long for appointments? It’s really simple. Really, really simple. It’s been known fact for years. It’s due to a lack of doctors and skilled medical personnel. And the VA lacks those skilled doctors and nurses and other medical persons for one reason, money. the VA does not have the money appropriated to hire and pay doctors and nurses and other medical professionals adequately. If you could be in private practice and make $250,000 a year why would you go to work for the VA for $100,000 or even $150,000 a year? And seeing how the republicans use the VA as a political whipping boy, why would you want to be part of that political slander?

    Nope, the VA is all on the republicans. All of is. So are the “endless wars.” But we couldn’t get you to he honest and admit to the truth and reality if your life depended on it. So you will keep spewing your LIES! For no other reasons than you’re told to and it makes you feel good to lie all the time to justify your HATE.

  7. over 7 years ago on [Deleted]

    Not even close to the truth.

    Kip wrote exactly the truth and reality. It takes 3-5 votes in a large city to equal one in rural podunksville when factored by the electoral college.

    But when you can only be intellectually dishonest you twist the words and attack the OP. Typical CONservative tactic. Good job, you learned your lessons on how to be a CONservative well.

  8. over 7 years ago on Phil Hands

    Oh come on Super, you know the republi-CON-servatives are the most charitable. Just look at all that money they give to their churches (only to be given out to those who bow to the religious ideological demands of the church) and to those501©(4) “social welfare” organizations otherwise known as dark money political action committees that we know coordinate with the republican candidates. Nope, the republicans are far more generous with their (political) ‘charity’ money than Democrats. Just ask them.

  9. over 7 years ago on Phil Hands

    IDIOT ALERT!None of the spirits predictions came true because they were ALL predicated on Scrooge remaining how he was not changing as he did. So since he altered his life’s trajectory and his attitude, so too did the lives of all those he was shown in the Ghost’s predilections. See how easily the truth and facts change the LIE you attempt to peddle?

    Yes I know the story is fiction, but the story still exists as do its premises which are based on known cause and effect reality even if they are illuminated by fantastical dreams.

  10. over 7 years ago on [Deleted]

    Nice attempt to spin there Ken but the FACTS are, the governor was a republican, the legislature was republican controlled and the Democratic mayor was basically nothing more than a figure head because this happened because the republicans in the legislature and the republican governor appointed a republican Emergency Manager to control the city. So the mayor had nothing to do with this. The previous governors also had nothing to do with this.

    Oh, and by the way four of the last six governors were republican. The last Democratic governor, Jennifer Granholm got a bad rep from the slimy republicans now in control. The only other Democratic governor was James Blanchard and he was really little more than a republican, or rather a DINO.

    When you concoct your lies, try to make them a little harder to debunk, will ya?

    The facts are out there. Yyou just have to be honest enough to accept them when they contradict your lies.