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  1. about 8 years ago on Luann

    @Wizardgoat, I am disappointed that Tiff not only gave out her card to Piro, but lied to authorities about it, as well. I think she panicked, but that’s no excuse. She should be punished. I doubt she’d be expelled if Piro is a Moony student as well. I was an RA not too long ago and this sort of thing came up routinely. A first-time offense resulted in the student getting written up by Housing, which meant that in subsequent years, the student would not be able to leverage seniority in choosing a dorm to live in. A second-time offense resulted in being barred from on-campus housing entirely. Possibly subsequent offenses resulted in expulsion, but I don’t know because I never knew of a student who did this more than once.

    Bernice is being hypocritical. She sees in Tiff a threat and a rival for Piro’s affections and she’s allowing that fear to cloud her judgment.

  2. about 8 years ago on Luann

    Spot on, BJ. Berniece used to be one of my favorite characters. This is not a good look and will backfire on her.

  3. about 8 years ago on Luann

    @Luannfan1212, I think you’re close. Les isn’t stupid nor do I think he’s into Pru. I think he learned a thing or two from Mr Grey (whom I loathe) and is laundering his take from KK. He knows Pru won’t accept something like this (or he thinks he does). He figures she’ll refuse it, and he can return it or pawn it for the cash and obliterate any ties to the “children’s theater” fund or the stolen tips. I think the gag will be that Pru will think it’s costume jewelry, accept it, and Les will have to scheme on getting it back before Uncle Sugar, who knows from costume jewelry, notices it.

  4. almost 9 years ago on Luann

    Hmm. A few ways this can go.

    Bern can use her RA powers to get Tiff in big trouble, possibly even turfed from her campus digs, for “rule-breaking,” even though she has no proof Piro has crashed at Tiff’s that day or any other day.

    Bern will round on Gunther for not “claiming” Tiffany like she told him to and possibly blow up at him, prompting him to blurt that he’s interested in her.

    The above scenario will happen with Gunther throwing in some gratuitous insults about Tiff that she will overhear and proceed to feel like crap about herself.

    This strip cleared a few things up for me that I wasn’t sure about: Piro has no interest in Bernice. He probably views her as a sort of wet-blanket busybody who talks too much. Gunther has no interest really in Tiffany. And Bern is a dimwit.

    OK, I was pretty sure about that last one.

  5. almost 9 years ago on Luann

    Welp, she’s still wearing Piro’s scarf, so I think that she is going to try to up the ante on pushing Gunther toward Tiffany.

  6. about 9 years ago on [Deleted]

    But weirdly, I think this is where this is heading. It will be a replay of Luann-Bernice’s brother-Bernice. Somehow Luann and Piro will hit it off and go on adventures together and perhaps it will be Bernice that will need to grow out of her rigid thinking and take more chances — with someone else. Not Gunther. Maybe Hair?

  7. about 9 years ago on Luann

    You’re very insightful here. I kinda think that cartoonists should pick one path for their characters – either have them age more or less in real time (i.e. Lynn Johnston, Gary Trudeau and Cathy Guisewite), or freeze them in their ages, but have time move on so that they can still comment on current social issues (i.e. Bill Amend and Berkeley Breathed). The Evans team seemed to have done that halfway. They’ve aged them super-slowly but without giving them any more agency than they had when they were teenagers in the 80s. It really doesn’t work, and the recent arcs with Gunther/Tiffany/Piro/Bernice and now with Luann/Quill are shining examples of why. This would have been par for the course for 13 year olds. If Luann had been aged to her “rightful” age, 44, then this sort of arc could never happen now.

  8. about 9 years ago on Luann

    This makes me sad. But on the plus side, junior college is generally two years and then many people transfer to a four-year college to finish their degree. Because so much of “the gang” is involved, it’s likely Luann will transfer to Moony. My hope is that after a decent interval, she and Quill will be civil and friendly toward each other, Luann will major in education and art, and possibly meet a nice student-teacher. It’s possible Bernice’s brother will come into the picture again, but I’d like to see Luann meet someone new.

  9. about 9 years ago on [Deleted]

    Or you could be! I want to be clear – as I have said in other threads, I grew up with this strip. These characters are technically 8 years my senior. Other than being disappointed that Brad is so clearly thinking with his dingdong when it comes to his relationship with Toni (IMO) and thinking that a lot of people are often overly harsh on TJ, I have no desire to see characters I admired as a child turn into meanies. I have always, too, felt a special kinship with Gunther as my father died shortly after I was born and my mother — unlike Mrs. Berger — never remarried and my upbringing was colored by her widowhood and my fatherlessness. I’ve thought Bernice was a decent sort, if tightly wound. I’ve felt the least kinship with Luann mostly because I didn’t like how rude she was with Gunther and how she seemed to allow Aaron Hill’s lack of regard for her color her every interaction with everyone else. I want these characters to thrive and succeed, so when they act in ways that seem contrary to what I’m accustomed, it makes me angry. But I’d be quite happy to see this resolved nicely for all involved.

  10. about 9 years ago on [Deleted]

    The problems I have with your argument is that there has been a rather significant time skip since Bernice saw Tiffany in Piro’s scarf (and we, the readers saw the ambiguous closed door). If, as you say, Bernice were trying to look out for Gunther, she would have talked with him well before now about the possibility that Tiffany’s eye might be wandering and that he may want to step in. She does not do so until she hashes out with Luann that she may, in fact, be interested in Piro. To me, this implies Bernice has less than altruistic motives — which, ordinarily, would be fine, but she seems as if she is talking over Gunther at this point who has — quite rudely, IMO — expressed how little interest he has in Tiffany as a person, let alone a girlfriend. Both Gunther and Bernice had things they wanted to fulfill through this meeting — Gunther wanted to lay the foundation of a romance; Bernice wanted to get the scoop on Piro. Only Gunther at this point seems to get that he’s not going to get what he wants. Bernice, on the other hand, is doing the equivalent of sticking her fingers in her ears and talking louder. That just doesn’t demonstrate care to me.