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  1. 2 months ago on Annie

    I haven’t seen a crash like this since the last years of the ‘Steve Canyon’ cartoon strip.

  2. 2 months ago on Annie

    A car of FBI was headed to Wisconsin to stake out and trap Nelson. Nelson had spotted their advance team and was headed back to Chicago. Each spotted the other as their cars passed on the highway… What followed did not end well.

  3. 2 months ago on [Deleted]

    (The answer is more for your benefit than for our benefit. …)

  4. 2 months ago on [Deleted]

    Just curious: What does an MFA give you that enables you to produce a graphics novel and do more than what you have been doing?

  5. 4 months ago on Gasoline Alley

    In these past two weeks, where is Ida Noe? I strongly doubt that the girl who is Ida Noe’s “mommy” would leave her behind. (And we can use an occasional sarcastic remark from Ida Noe…)

  6. 5 months ago on Annie

    Catching up.We have been watching an accumulation of logical goofs.Has anyone drawn a line between Anchorage and Centennial City Yucatan Mexico? It looks like it is over water until southernmost Alaska panhandle, , then crosses to southeast British Columbia, eastern Washington, northern Idaho, etc.Too bad for bad Oliver Warbucks that the bomb didn’t go off over water. Annie now could be sleeping with Rep. Hale Boggs.The next stretch is more mountains than flat steppe with straight roads capable of 100 mph speeds; and provincial and state lines are mostly far apart. And this guy was able to obtain a police scanner, and take it with him when he changed cars.… Ah well, shut down the critical brain and just enjoy the story, eh?

  7. 5 months ago on Maria's Day

    Once this was called ‘Armistice Day’, celebrating the end of the war to end all wars. (So why do why keep getting into more of them?)

  8. 5 months ago on Annie

    I thought of that. Duty to save the plane, or duty to save his own life in addition to Annie’s, Sandy and his copilot?

    We will find out in the rest of this week just where they bailed out over. It’s very likely over land, not sea, and not too mountainous, and likely close enough for them to run into someone. First question is whether the copilot survives the landing. Second question is how much info ‘Houston’ now has in order to go recover the mess.

  9. 6 months ago on Working Daze

    Suggestion, character development or loop-back. We are told that CJ was first seen as an airplane mechanic during WWII. So it would be fitting if 1) she came to work on a 10-speed bicycle, Honda supercub, Jeep, whatever, and was known for repairing them rebuilding them herself. 2) And similarly undertook to repair the coffee maker, chairs, microwave, copier, 3d-printer etc., maybe sometimes intruding on Roy’s turf.

  10. 6 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Broadly, a different topic. I perceive that Mike and Charles team Tracy tends towards settled situations and settling situations. At the moment the only situation I know that could go any direction is Rikki Mortis and Fata Morgana.

    I was thinking overnight of ‘Annie’ Warbucks, who is nominally the ward of Oliver Warbucks, but in ‘Little Orphan Annie’ and ‘Annie’ strips was often separated from him and on her own. Would ‘Dick Tracy’ be more interesting with someone, I was thinking a boy a little older than Annie, who shows up as a secondary character in various story arcs. Uncertain who he is descended from. Is often separated from his legal guardian. Gets into different sorts of “hijinks” than Rascal son of Joannie Caucus and Rick Redfern does.