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  1. almost 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    Government’s POV – great! One less person we have to refund their SS taxes in +50 years or support on disability. Support businesses that encourage poor health habits while building industries that squeeze the last dollar out of those who become ill before premature deaths. :-/ :’-(

  2. over 8 years ago on Doonesbury

    @dwdl21 Vancouver is a satellite city, it depends on strong tech and entertainment economies and trade between first the US and then other foreign nations along the Pacific Rim. It’s steady growth is due in large part to becoming “North Hollywood” and an extension of the US West Coast tech hub – the California through Washington states. The ‘weaker’ Canadian dollar makes labor, goods, production and housing more attractive, along with one of the most accommodating cultures to the US in the world. With housing costs in Silicon Valley skyrocketing, even the exorbitant rates in VC, BC are much more affordable, along with technology that makes remote working a reasonable proposition (co-workers and/or companies purchase homes in pairs then swap/share between them when needed in one location or another).