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- over 8 years ago on Pearls Before Swine
over 8 years ago
on [Deleted]
“So you do not know that there is no god then, you just believe that there is no god, without any sort of evidence other than your own rationalization in an attempt to make sense of a universe that you don’t understand?”
So you don’t know that there is no Flying Spaghetti Monster, you just believe that there isn’t one, without any sort of evidence other than your own rationalization in an attempt to make sense of a universe that you don’t understand?
So you don’t know that there is no Magic Pink Unicorn From Mars that grants your every wish, you just believe that there isn’t one, without any sort of evidence other than your own rationalization in an attempt to make sense of a universe that you don’t understand?
So you don’t know that there are no Elephants that hold up the flat disc of the world, you just believe that there aren’t any, without any sort of evidence other than your own rationalization in an attempt to make sense of a universe that you don’t understand?
See how that works?
over 8 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
It could actually represent all of them. Nearly every religion has had their violent stages. Some are in it now, some were in the past, and at some point I’m sure they will all return to it again. When the self-righteous think god speaks to them, they inevitably turn to violence against those that won’t listen to them. That’s how religion works.
over 8 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Christians see Islam represented by the comic, everyone else sees Christianity. Interesting.
over 8 years ago
on [Deleted]
“Actually, an atheist believes that they know better.”
How in the world would you know what an atheist believes? Are you an atheist? If not, then you’re only speculating and your speculation is wrong. Atheists don’t believe in any deities because there is no evidence to rove one. Period. Any other nonsense you attach to atheism is in your imagination only.
“socialist or communist (Socialism is just the road to Communism) ploy to destroy a society”
Again… You’re making up nonsense. There are democratic socialist countries that are quite peaceful and (gasp!) they even have some religious people living in them! While communism might include socialism within it, socialism is not communism. There are different forms of socialism just like there are different forms of any other economic model.
“while also encouraging what is normally considered deviant behaviors by the religious folk.”
Nonsense. There is no argument to be presented for this load of tripe because it has absolutely no basis in reality. You’re dreaming up nonsense to fuel your paranoia of the non-religious.
" while the cities burn and the poor rise to eat the rich, the deviants are blamed for societies downfall."
Where in the world are you getting this??? As I’ve stated, there are democratic socialist countries that are doing even better than the United States. Join this century and stop living in the “Red Scare” era. Please… Come out of your paranoid delusions and join us in reality. It’s a much nicer world to live in.
over 8 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
It’s funny that all of the Christians on here see “Islam” with this comic, but nearly everyone else sees Christianity lol! As for atheism having no “valid basis for morality” this is nonsense. Christians don’t have a monopoly on morality. Morality existed long before Christianity and Judaism were made up and it will exist long after they have faded into distant horrific memory. Morality is a construct created by men in order to form peaceful society, which is exactly the reason what is considered “moral” changes from culture to culture.
over 8 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
There’s not much of a difference between the two. They’ve both been violent at one point or another in their history.
over 8 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Wrong. The atheist says there is no evidence to prove the existence of a god or gods. That’s quite different that definitely stating “There is no god.”
over 8 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Only because you phrased the responses in a way that makes it seem that way… You could just have easily said:
The theist says “There is a god”The atheist says “I don’t believe there is a god” The agnostic says “I can’t know either way if there is a god…”
And the entire point of your ridiculous post would have been turned on the theist instead. All atheists I’ve ever met have stated that if they were given actual evidence to prove gods existence that they would believe. It’s only the religious that ignore evidence that contradict their beliefs.
over 8 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
@firebrand1 Just because schools aren’t teaching Christianity as the one true religion doesn’t mean they are forcing atheism and humanism on everyone. Religion doesn’t belong in public schools where children of all faiths (or none at all) are there to learn. That’s what churches are for. If you can’t handle that, then send your kids to a Christian school. It’s as simple as that.
The communist nonsense has been debunked multiple times, even on this thread. Mao and Stalin didn’t kill people because of religion, they killed people in order to remove threats to their power. It had nothing to do with the fact that they were supposedly atheist. They were power mad dictators who didn’t want the authority of the church challenging the authority of their governments. That’s it. Trying to pretend it was about atheist wiping out religion is nonsense, pure and simple.