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  1. over 3 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Two francs is two francs.

  2. almost 4 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Haha, even his hair looks like an icecream swirl. Nice touch, Joe!

  3. almost 6 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Well,the Occam’s Razor principle is NOT that the simplest solution is correct. Rather, the principle enjoins us to use the simplest model that is consistent with all the evidence as our explanation. But more evidence may invalidate that prior choice. That’s why we’ve moved beyond to OR to notions like falsifiability. We don’t assume the ‘simplest’ explanation is true, we assign likelihoods to competing explanations and rule out explanations that are contradicted by evidence.

    In any case, OR’s original statement (something about not needlessly multiplying causes) is imprecise and it’s interpretation has varied, is debatable, and is often misused by people who think they have a played a trump card by pulling out OR. What does ‘simplest’ mean, anyway?

  4. almost 6 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Lucian is right-handed. The shooter appears to be left-handed, in the panel showing the shooter shooting through the passenger window of the car he was in at Officer Hart through her driver window. (How Tracy would know the shooter used their left hand, I’m not sure – the passenger could have shot using their right arm also.)

    Mr Hart appears to be left-handed – he sprays the omelette with his left hand, and then switches to holding the frypan in his left. (Pepper spray is a red herring.) Hart’s motive could have been the insurance payout.

    Lucian was right-handed.

    The last panel above has Tracy staring at his left hand holding the phone. A hint.

    Note there’ a a question of who was driving the shooter’s car.

    Hardly enough to convict I should think, but warrants more investigation.

  5. almost 6 years ago on Dick Tracy

    At the start of the minit mystery, Tracy tells the writers that his time in Homeville was decades ago. Perhaps these events are set in a time before the modern use of vests.

  6. about 7 years ago on Dick Tracy

    The most notorious example in comics of this murder method was featured in Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent. Wertham sampled a panel from a crime comic showing gangsters murdering rivals by dragging them behind a car on country roads. See https://www.fulltable.com/vts/h/hcom/im/35.jpg , top right. The sample is half a splash from a story called ‘Gang War’, True Crime Comics #2.

  7. about 7 years ago on Dick Tracy

    The most notorious example in comics of this murder method was featured in Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent. Wertham sampled a panel from a crime comic showing gangsters murdering rivals by dragging them behind a car on country roads. See https://www.fulltable.com/vts/h/hcom/im/35.jpg , top right. The sample is half a splash from a story called ‘Gang War’, True Crime Comics #2.

  8. over 8 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Perhaps Selfie’s selfy sitck is like the poison tipped umbrella used to assassinate Georgi Markov in 1979.

  9. over 8 years ago on Dick Tracy


    I expect many of you know about this already, but I thought I would post the link for those who, like me, were unaware. The news came out in mid-September at the Baltimore Comic Con, apparently.

    Should be great! I love the way Joe and Mike are folding in other great pop characters.

    Also: I think Selfy will likely die, but I’m not sure how. By the Senator’s hand? Getting run over while distracted by his phone? Impaled on his selfie-s

  10. over 8 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Assuming a similar number of offspring per generation as in the earth community, the fraction of people who will be lunarians will be the same after 14 generations. i.e. 2 per 7 billion.