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  1. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I bought a bunch of food in March 2020, just like everyone else. (Do you remember that literally the shelves in the stores were bare?) And no, I didn’t leave the house for a month: April 20th 2020 I went and stole my nice chair from my office because I realized that we might in this for a while…

  2. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    If we had done a China quality lockdown, (go outside, go to jail!) we could have stopped this back in March of 2020. We didn’t, we found out what half-a**ing it would do. And now a year and a half later we have a variant so bad that we literally can’t reach herd immunity even if we could convince everyone to get the vaccine.

  3. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Bagram airforce base physically near China, but useful to us in a war with China it is not. Bahram is hard to get to, which means it is hard to staff and supply, and the part of China that it is close to isn’t strategically important. It is like claiming because you can see Russia from Alaska, an Alaskan has any idea about Russian politics or frankly anything more useful than the weather: they don’t.

    Interestingly enough, my brother in law has been to that corner of China. He said it was a good place to buy rugs…

  4. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Totally, after 6 years of investigation, Ken Starr caught Clinton on lying about having his dick sucked… I’m not gonna defend Clinton, but I am just gonna ask how many porn stars has Trump slept with?!? We know about 2, (he denies them, but I’m pretty sure he was lying, aka perjury!)

    Now, lets look into things that actually matter to the county, like killing capital police officers or letting Russia interfere with the election or just outright fraud in your business. Ken Starr couldn’t pin anything like that on Clinton, (he had 6 years to do the research!) but it has only been 8 months since Trump helped incite a violent insurrection on the capital, lets see how that investigation turns out in 5.4 more years…

  5. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    While I can’t say for sure that Trump is indeed a criminal until he is actually convicted, ask yourself this: how many times has your lawyer gone to jail/lost their license/etc for something that was in any way related to you? The answer for 99.9+% of Americans is zero. And it isn’t that nobody ever does something illegal: 8% of America has a felony conviction, but their lawyers aren’t involved in the crimes… Trump goes through lawyers faster than he goes through wives, which seems a little suspicious that something shady might be going on.

    I know what people will say: “This a witch hunt!” Maybe, but opposition parties investigate each other, that is what they do. For instance the GOP spent 6 years of taxpayer money investigating Bill Clinton, and the only thing they could come up with is that he got a blowjob from someone who wasn’t his wife. And I’m not gonna say Bill is “okay” for that, (cheating on your wife isn’t cool,) but Trump is being investigated for far worse things that where he stuck his dick.

  6. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    It is way more complicated than that because it isn’t just income taxes that make up the tax burden. In your example for instance, Oregon doesn’t have a sales tax, (unlike most states,) so while less money makes it from your employer to your wallet, when you go to spend the money it gets you more. And while that is easy enough to account for sales and property taxes, it gets really complicated fast.

    For instance for a town like Ferguson MO, half the city budget comes from fines/tickets. While some of that it clearly legit, (if there was no penalty for speeding then everyone would do it,) some of them are a bit of a stretch: for instance if you have a car with a flat tire in your driveway, you will get a bill, and if you don’t pay it right away you’ll get another one, and if you still don’t pay they’ll reposes your car and you’ll have to pay to get it back, (or they’ll sell it.) And of course, you’ll still have a flat tire when you go to pick the car up, (seems like at some point in this process they could have sold you a can of fix a flat.) But my point is if you just look at the direct tax rates for living there, it seems like it would be cheap…

  7. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    While it isn’t ethical to just flat out deny them medical care for their own stupidity, our hospitals are filling up and when they are full that means that someone gets denied medical care… And when that happens, I’m fine with letting the drunk drivers, the smokers, the drug addicts, the obese, etc ahead of the antivaxers: getting the shot is one of the easiest thing in the world to do: it was free and sure it involved 2 trips downtown but I got time off work to do it. Comparatively, getting clean or sober or dieting are much harder than that…

  8. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I like Zoom meetings. With the right camera placement and multiple monitors, I can look like I care, and read the comics. Or I can just turn off the camera and mute my microphone and do whatever the f*** I want.

  9. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    A decade ago I read that Facebook could tell that you are growing more distant from your significant other, often months before split based on things like how you interact with each other, and how you interact with other people. Of course, it the study came out about the same time that someone broke up with me by just changing her Facebook status to “single”, so indeed Facebook knew it first in that case too!

  10. almost 4 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    With vertical drilling, we’d need to enter the ground from the ocean south of South Africa. (Also, it would be a long trip.)