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  1. over 7 years ago on Luann

    The thief just had to be white and female … I guess Greg couldn’t be troubled to be more realistic?

  2. over 7 years ago on Luann

    Pt 2: It’s true of American Indians, and I imagine of Polynesians and Australian Aborigines as well. I assume it’s partly because they haven’t been exposed to as many things throughout their history, and so haven’t had the opportunity to evolve tolerances to as many things, and also because they’ve had less opportunity for interbreeding with people of other races and therefore have had less opportunity to acquire genetic alleles which would give them tolerances to various things. I doubt Greg was thinking about any of this stuff, but it’s interesting to note.

  3. over 7 years ago on Luann

    Pt 1: Fay looks like an American Indian. (That would be the indigenous people of the Americas, not people from India.) From what I’ve heard and read, Amerindians often have problems eating foods not native to the Americas. The foods historically available in the Americas tended to be very low in calories, and so the bodies of American Indians evolved to be especially diligent about storing up fat. That’s why in the modern America where basically anyone can eat as many calories as they want, so many Indians are so fat. They also are more likely to be lactose intolerant than are people of the European races. That’s because dairy farming didn’t exist in the Americas prior to the arrival of European settlers, and so there was no evolutionary incentive for the gene which codes for the production of lactase to remain active after they were weaned. On top of that, American Indians are far more likely to have problems with alcohol. Alcohol isn’t really a food, but it is something which tends to be pretty devastating to races of people who have had limited historical exposure to it. You see the same problem with Polynesians. Of course, a lot of the problems with alcohol have to do with behavioral choices which are a result of the inherent psychological traits of the individuals as well as of the various circumstances they face. That said, the mechanism that metabolizes alcohol in American Indians is different from the mechanism that metabolizes alcohol in people of other races, and some Indians suffer an allergic reaction if they drink it. Actually that might be a good thing considering how many other problems they tend to have with alcohol. There seems to be a general tendency for races of people who were more geographically isolated throughout their history, to suffer more health problems in the modern world, than races who were less geographically isolated throughout their history.

  4. over 7 years ago on Luann

    Veganism stunts kids’ brain development. There’s a protein that I forgot the name of which your brain needs in massive quantities. The bacteria in your gut make some of it, but they can’t make enough. The only other source of it is meat. I hate to break it to everyone, but if you don’t want your kids to be mentally disabled, they have to eat meat, which means some poor animal has to die to feed them. Sorry but that’s how it is.

  5. over 7 years ago on Luann

    Yay! Luann is back, and she’s the same as ever!

  6. over 7 years ago on Luann

    Of course Luann has more boys after her than Tiffany does. Luann’s more chaste. Men are usually more sexually attracted to women who exercise more sexual restraint. If a woman whores herself out to any man who comes along, no man will want to marry her because she’ll probably cheat on him and because she probably already has someone else’s children to take care of anyway, and so she won’t be able to do as good a job taking care of his own children. On the other hand if she is more sexually reserved, she’s less likely to already have children by another man, and is also less likely to cheat on him. Of course the boys are shunning the girl who will fuck them at the drop of a hat, and chasing the girl who won’t.

  7. over 7 years ago on Luann

    correction: THAN to bother coming up with a clever scam.

  8. over 7 years ago on Luann

    You know, I’ve never actually met a black person who was a sneaky, conniving, manipulative con artist like T.J. That doesn’t seem to be a very common thing with them. Most black people I’ve met have really been more like Delta: cheerful, outgoing, sociable, active, overconfident, loud, somewhat aggressive and with lower impulse control than people of other races. The lying, cheating, sneaky, manipulative conniving really seems to be more of a white people’s thing, probably owing to the fact that white people tend to have higher intelligence and lower bravado than black people do. That’s why so many of those emails which say “I am King Indadangi of Mbadonga and I would like to transfer a sum of $11,000,000.00 USD to your account, but first I need your log-in credentials.” come from Eastern Europe. It’s usually the Caucasian criminals, including those from India, who are sneaky cheaters and scammers. Black criminals are usually much more upfront about it. They’re far more likely to sucker-punch you in the face and then run away with their arms full of stolen goods, then to bother coming up with a clever scam.

  9. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    I just realized, Luann always thinks she’s hideous, ugly and unpopular; and Tiffany always thinks she’s the prettiest, sexiest and most popular girl in school; but come to think of it, it seems like a lot more guys have been interested in Luann than in Tiffany. Luann has dated Gunther, Aaron Hill, Miguel and Elwood. That’s at least four. I think I might be forgetting one as well. On top of that, there were fifty-seven boys at Luann’s school who all wanted to see Tiffany’s cell phone video of Luann changing her clothes in the locker room. That means that aside from the four whom Luann has dated, there’s at least fifty-seven others who think she’s sexy. In contrast Tiffany doesn’t seem to have anyone. Even Quill seems to like Luann better. I wonder if the boys have figured out that Luann is secretly better than Tiffany. I mean, Luann is just as sexy as Tiffany is, even though it’s hard to tell because Luann dresses more modestly. From the neck down you couldn’t tell which was which if they both wore the same clothes. Luann also has a kind heart, unlike Tiffany who’s just evil. Luann may not be very smart or responsible, but she’s still smarter and more responsible than Tiffany. Luann also has a lot more humility. It’s no wonder all the boys are chasing Luann and ignoring Tiffany.

  10. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    Part 2:

    Of course there’s nothing wrong with that, but it doesn’t take much wisdom or responsibility. Therefore there’s no way to know how well he’ll manage his wealth now that he has it. From the look of things, he’s squandering it pretty fast (i.e. the limo, chauffeur, private waiters, restaurant in the middle of nowhere, etcetera). He could easily be penniless and broke in a year. Gunther on the other hand doesn’t seem to have any one truly great talent, but he’s honest, hard working and responsible. He seems more like the sort whom you would expect to be reasonably financially secure throughout his life, though not necessarily insanely wealthy.