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Depends whose face you palm….Ellie for instance
" while Jim escapes the hungry pack of lions lets pause for a message from our sponsor Mutual……"
I still have stock in such a company. I believe they are soon to unveil an OS to compete with Windoz 95…….Oh the thrill.
You just described my dating life in 1962.
Because they’re experts at it.
Or my first EX wife.
NO MONTY! It’s a TRAP. He is really ATF undercover.RUUUNNNN!!
Naw, just the way the light hits the wall. See all fixed.
Hey Gunth ol’ buddy, good time to check out MGTOW for a bit of peace.
Now now, in homer’s defense if Weldon didn’t have such bushy sideburns I’m sure they would be even.
Depends whose face you palm….Ellie for instance