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napaman99 Free

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  1. about 3 years ago on Herman

    All the more reason to use resources like Charity Navigator to help in making donation decisions. However, if a community’s United Way is run efficiently, then that agency will take the brunt of financial requests rather than our mailbox being assaulted by multiple requests for financial donations.

  2. over 5 years ago on Pluggers

    I have yet to find a state that allows a handicap placard to be legally be hung on display continually. It is to be used only when the vehicle is parked in a handicapped parking spot. So there is no need to retire the fuzzy dice.

  3. over 5 years ago on Shoe

    Cal Ripken played 2632 consecutive games. Gehrig played 2130 consecutive games. I was at a game at Camden Yard Ripken’s last season where the temperature was over 90. After pre-game drills, all the players went inside the air conditioned clubhouse with the exception of Ripken who spent over 20 minutes signing autographs for the kids waiting by the dugout.