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  1. over 7 years ago on Luann

    Exactly. We literally know ZERO about Axel, except that he isn’t interested in some drama camp his mom signed him up for.

    I’m thinking Luann might have enough perspective at this point that the smile comes from remembering how much she used to freak out around Aaron Hill at the same age.

    This is a cute story line and Faye is acting the way any shy pre-teen would.

  2. over 7 years ago on Luann

    Exactly. We literally know ZERO about Axel, except that he isn’t interested in some drama camp his mom signed him up for.

    I’m thinking Luann might have enough perspective at this point that the smile comes from remembering how much she used to freak out around Aaron Hill at the same age.

    This is a cute story line and Faye is acting the way any shy pre-teen would.

  3. over 7 years ago on Luann

    We didn’t call it “Theater Camp” but I participated in and worked with several youth theater programs that are essentially Theater Camp. Some had over a hundred kids involved in a session. Just because YOU haven’t done something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

  4. almost 8 years ago on Luann

    I do understand this is fiction, but when I was in the dorm at college if an RA had pulled this and gotten caught they would have been fired and kicked out of the dorms, along with being put on Academic probation (if not expelled). I don’t know what’s going on with Bern, but she needs to get her head on straight and learn how to just talk to a boy if she thinks he’s cute.

  5. about 8 years ago on Luann

    She isn’t being kind, she’s being jealous.

    It wasn’t necessarily right for Tiffany to give him her key card, especially since she wasn’t there to vouch for him, but Bernice is not mad because the rules were broken she’s mad because she thinks Tiffany will flirt Piro away from her. Poor dude is probably oblivious to it too.