
JeffBedford Free

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  1. almost 7 years ago on La Cucaracha

    Very insensitive and ill-timed, considering the growing number of teens and kids taking the Tide Pod challenge and eating laundry detergent

  2. almost 7 years ago on W.T. Duck

    Aaron Johnson needs to crawl out from under whichever rock he has been hiding, this is not acceptable in 2018, especially in a time of #metoo

  3. about 7 years ago on La Cucaracha

    The cops will continue to do the same thing they do right now, shoot the black people, then the handicapped, then if they get around to it the actual shooter

  4. about 7 years ago on La Cucaracha

    The only thing us Canadians are afraid of is that American Assholes (I know that’s redundant) would try to come up here to live.

  5. about 7 years ago on La Cucaracha

    the only one going to Russia is Trump

  6. about 7 years ago on La Cucaracha

    To all US citizens thinking of seeking asylum in Canada, please be aware that we spent the last year building a 50metre tall invisible wall across the border. And FYI we got Trump to pay for it.

  7. over 7 years ago on [Deleted]

    the Canadian Moose is 26feet tall and carnivorous (man-eaters). So the best advice from this Canadian fan is for all US people looking for a safe haven during the Trump years (it’s been what ten so far?) look south, the north is inhospitable and dangerous to your health.