Pete I want to say thanks for getting a tribute on here for Mister Jimmy. Some of my older friends who were in the construction trades took their vacations, and a few also took more time off work to go help with building Habitat For Humanity homes. They all knew their trades very well and got a lot of good work done. They were being honored for going “above and beyond” by getting to be around Mr. Jimmy both on the jobs and cookouts in the evenings. They all said he personally thanked each one of them for not only taking time to help, but also doing SO MUCH work of such high quality. To a man they all said he was a gracious, appreciative Gentleman who didn’t seem like he’d been President. Just a kindly old country boy, as decent a man as you’d ever hope to meet. They had some pictures with him they’d taken of the houses they were working on, others of eating and visiting with him after working all day. Several of them left some of their own tools and equipment they’d brought with them to be used by others after they went back home. A lot of those guys have died now and I’ve lost touch with the rest over the years.
Is free one of the raiders who tied Ol Tarz up? Is that why Tarz is gonna break him? OR Were you saying Tarz was bound SO he could break free? Tune in Monday for the answers to these and other questions… Have a good weekend BigDave!
Thanks Ol’ Pard! I finally got a little sleep Saturday morning/afternoon and the pain level is down some. I went with little restful sleep for 3 days and was getting frayed around the edges, with several places feeling torn! As long as I don’t move wrong, my bad word yelling is down somewhat. Unless those mind bending flashes of pain hit out of the blue, THEN the language gets blue too… Thanks for the prayers and may God Bless you too.
Hi Charlie! MagicFever has let me know you’d had trouble and passed along my well wishes to you. I haven’t broken a leg, and if I did I wouldn’t tell any of my “Buddies” because they’d have an excuse to shoot me! I’ve felt like I was in an avalanche the last few weeks. Even though I’ve had the shingles vaccine and booster AND I’ve been taking an anti-viral for several years I STILL got shingles! Luckily it was a mild case, it was all I wanted! The nerve pain meds they gave me for that HORRIBLE left nut pain that’s made my life miserable since last January took a couple weeks to start working and that was a relief. BUT (there’s always a but) the downside is they make me so goofy and drowsy from about midnight till 5 or 6 hours later, I go to sleep sitting up. I went to sleep sitting on the toilet and fell off several times one night, bruising myself really badly. Other times I only fell off a time or two… Went to sleep A LOT sitting up when I went to lie down and go to sleep, or sitting at the computer desk. Problem with that? Made my lower legs and left foot swell up HUGE with Lymphedema so several trips to Docs for that. The support hose I wear under my elastic velcro leg braces broke my legs horribly, REALLY itching and little tiny blisters. Throw in my usual BAD aches and pains compounded by Winter weather changes, especially the barometer dropping and my pain level has been HORRIBLE! Oh well, I have food in the pantry and a roof over my head so I’m feeling pretty blessed. Hurting, but blessed! I’m sorry I never sent you a Merry Christmas email but I’ve been pretty busy. Or is that dizzy? Best wishes to you and the Missus, Mike
Thanks NoName, I really appreciate the prayers. I got so tired I took one of the meds I have for Breakthrough pain about 11a Saturday and actually got some of the best sleep in awhile. Slept almost 4 hours before Bladder o’clock woke me up. For me, that’s a long sleep! I’ve not been reading my comics everyday. This time I missed 7-8 days and before that I missed a week. I just go back to the last day I saw them and run through the days till I’m caught up. Actually took me a couple of days to read a weeks worth, but I can’t stay at it for very long, then It’s time to take a break for awhile. Haven’t read many of the comments because of lack of time, knowing who is going to spout something stupid about politics, or just is going to be stupid about anything and everything. I try to catch Pickled Pete’s jokes, most of them are pretty good. You have a good weekend!
Pete I want to say thanks for getting a tribute on here for Mister Jimmy. Some of my older friends who were in the construction trades took their vacations, and a few also took more time off work to go help with building Habitat For Humanity homes. They all knew their trades very well and got a lot of good work done. They were being honored for going “above and beyond” by getting to be around Mr. Jimmy both on the jobs and cookouts in the evenings. They all said he personally thanked each one of them for not only taking time to help, but also doing SO MUCH work of such high quality. To a man they all said he was a gracious, appreciative Gentleman who didn’t seem like he’d been President. Just a kindly old country boy, as decent a man as you’d ever hope to meet. They had some pictures with him they’d taken of the houses they were working on, others of eating and visiting with him after working all day. Several of them left some of their own tools and equipment they’d brought with them to be used by others after they went back home. A lot of those guys have died now and I’ve lost touch with the rest over the years.