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  1. about 6 hours ago on Andy Capp

    Would you want to Andy to have a barstool to swing at you when he gets hammered and you won’t buy him a pint?

    That and Andy might hurt himself not if, bit when he fell off a barstool.

    It hurt when I did about 35 years ago. Just sayin… Reason #1678 on the list of “Why I quit drinking”. It’s been 20 years since I quit drinking and I’m glad I did!

  2. 1 day ago on Peanuts

    Who is Cathy?

  3. 1 day ago on Andy Capp

    As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!

  4. 3 days ago on Andy Capp

    You can make a cat fly, but they WILL remember it and make you bleed!

  5. 3 days ago on Tarzan

    Both of your comments made me laugh till I was gasping for my next breath so I could laugh some more! I’ve had a crappy day but you made it a LOT better. Thanks!

  6. 3 days ago on Andy Capp

    As for your last line… Yes you will! About 30 or so minutes after you start drinking the prep solution.

    And much like going to Church with assigned seating, you will be sitting in your own pew!

    So solly, butt I couldn’t pass that one up!

    Seriously though, I pray you’ll both get good reports when you have your procedures done.

  7. 3 days ago on Back to B.C.

    And 57 IQ points shy of 58…

  8. 3 days ago on Ziggy

    Polly is from the hood?

  9. 4 days ago on Andy Capp

    The first couple I got about 20 some years ago, the prep solution was a gallon jug of stuff called GoLytely. Whoever named it that had a SICK sense of humor! Drink 8 ounces every 10 minutes until the jug is empty.

    After about the 3rd cup the belly started rumbling, by the 6th cup $hit was starting to happen.

    By the time the jug was 3/4 empty and you were starting to dread the next cup because of the instant reaction, you were ready to put whoever the sick puppy was that named it GoLytely in the toilet while you finished the last few cups.

    The name GoLytely was an ironic choice of names but it was NOT false Advertising!

    Tell Mrs. Magic I wish her well and hope everything comes out good next time…

    Always in my Prayers.

  10. 4 days ago on Andy Capp

    Back then aluminum was sometimes as high as 60 cents a pound. A pickup bed FULL would cover a keg, but not the tap or deposit. We had a tarp that had metal bar around the edges that we would hook down in the stock rack holes along the edge of the bed. THAT tells our age!

    The rule was if you didn’t help pick up cans, you had to kick in on the tap and deposit to drink out of the keg! That or have plenty of “party favors”! Of course the girls could drink for free. Sorta… The barter system worked!

    If that city water is chlorinated I can’t drink it or I’ll be miserable after just a glass. Drink very much of it and I’ll be sick as a dog.

    If I have to move where they have treated water, I’ll have to do like when I lived in town before I moved back to the country. Have my stout buddy Mark bring me well water in my 5 gallon water cans. Of course I couldn’t lift a full one up on the cabinet without hurting myself, so He’d have to lift it up there so I could drain it inti gallon jugs and get them in the fridge.

    I had a constant supply of fresh well water back then thanks to several good friends after I came down with MS. Hard to believe August 17th will be 24 years since MS hit me. THAT sure changed my world!

    Of course I just prayed for a good report on her colonoscopy.

    Now if the Doc tells her all is so great she has a perfect A-Hole, he is NOT talking about you! Sorry, old joke there from one old fart to another!