
EgidiusPfanzelter Free

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  1. 3 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Well, sending 10M unprepared people into the desert to “live in tents“, without access to sufficient water and food, and without defense spells death. And you “don’t care“. To me, that says: Have them disappear, no matter how and whereto.

  2. 4 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    “live in tents the rest of their lives“

    That’s actually what I‘ve been waiting for: you admitting that you want to see all Israeli dead. Either perishing or being killed by Houthi, Hamas, or Iran.

  3. 4 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I certainly know that Sinai is reachable by road. I’m not an American. But I also wrote “other countries who would have been willing to take up Jews” – I believe you mentioned Brazil and Russia back then.

    “And that all 10M could, with planning, move at the same time?” is ridiculous.Putting 100 people into one bus would require 100,000 buses, one after the other. Not, that people would want to leave their belongings behind. Would that happen after they (who could “they” be here?) have built housing for 10M? (Who would pay for those houses?) Or do you want them to sleep in tents? How long would it take to build roads within Sinai? Or do you want to dump them at Nitzana (that’s the end of the road, it doesn’t continue in Egypt)? Let’s stop here, it’s pretty obvious that you didn’t think this through.

  4. 4 days ago on Moderately Confused

    I understand that the average American, or at least the average conservative, wants to get rid of illegal immigrants, especially those who pick their fruits.

    But does the average American really wants to destroy all departments and agencies by randomly laying off people?

    Does the average American really wants to give the rich another tax cut and increase the national debt by another two billion?

    Does the average American really wants to to have a president who sees himself above the law? Which violates the separation of powers as demanded by the constitution. Does the average American really want to get rid of the constitution and establish a king?

  5. 4 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Don’t understand why you mixed up two of my comments.

    Yes, unsupported. Back then I took your idea (Sinai) quite seriously (which is why I was quite disappointed when you wrote that this was just a spurious idea) and read about Sinai, the people who live there, agriculture, etc. I believe you also mentioned other countries who would have been willing to take up Jews. So I considered the problems of such an idea. The largest passenger ship can transport 5000 people, so you need 2000 ships or (or 10 cruises with 200 ships …). I thought about the infrastructure that exists in Israel and that would have to be rebuilt. I even tried to estimate the costs. How long it would take to transfer 10 million people plus their belongings to Sinai. Or elsewhere. But yes, unsupported. Totally.

  6. 4 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    “… nothing to do with international law“

    I didn’t claim otherwise. I just pointed out the similarities between Palestinians and Oglala (and others).

  7. 4 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Your memory is faulty. You even have forgotten that all comments on political cartoons have been deleted or at least made inaccessible.

    An aquifer is nice to have, but only works for so long until it is depleted. Ask the Australians. You need rain. And arable land.And energy. Power plants, roads, sewers, housing, factories, …

    Not feasible.

    And certainly not in any other country, because no country wants immigrants these days.

  8. 5 days ago on Prickly City

    Congress has handed spending over to the president with the latest CR. Your president wants to give a tax cut to his rich buddies and increase the deficit. You voted for what you are now complaining about.

  9. 5 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I can’t see a peaceful solution. Israel is unwilling to respect the rights of Arabs and is taking more and more land. I don’t know if Hamas would stop their terror attacks if this would be different. Many Arabs have stated over the years that they will never accept the existence of Israel. The irony in this is that genetic research seems to have shown that both Jews and Palestinians might descend from Canaanite people.

  10. 5 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    “…was Legal…“

    “On June 30, 1980, the US Supreme Court ruled that the government had illegally taken land in the Black Hills granted by the 1868 treaty, by unlawfully abrogating article two of the agreement during negotiations in 1876, while failing to achieve the signatures of two-thirds the adult male population required to do so.“