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Comics I Follow

Art by Moga

Art by Moga

By Meg Adams
Haircut Practice

Haircut Practice

By Adam Koford


By Cathy Law
Frog Applause

Frog Applause

By Teresa Burritt


By Allison Garwood
Home Free

Home Free

By Tom Toro
Doodle Town

Doodle Town

By Melissa Lomax
Bad Machinery

Bad Machinery

By John Allison
Marshall Ramsey

Marshall Ramsey

Matt Wuerker

Matt Wuerker

Loose Parts

Loose Parts

By Dave Blazek
Clay Jones

Clay Jones

Wide Open

Wide Open

By Rich Powell


By Wayno
Shirley and Son Classics

Shirley and Son Classics

By Jerry Bittle
False Knees

False Knees

By Joshua Barkman


By Mike Baldwin
Perry Bible Fellowship

Perry Bible Fellowship

By Nicholas Gurewitch
Junk Drawer

Junk Drawer

By Ellis Rosen
Batch Rejection

Batch Rejection

By Garey McKee


By Paul Trap


By Rob Harrell


By Marty Two Bulls Sr.
Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers

Phil Hands

Phil Hands

Steve Benson

Steve Benson

Gary Markstein

Gary Markstein

Lalo Alcaraz

Lalo Alcaraz

Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons

Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons

By Kevin Necessary
Peanuts Begins

Peanuts Begins

By Charles Schulz


By Charles Schulz
Off the Mark

Off the Mark

By Mark Parisi


By Bill Amend


By Harry Bliss


By Jim Meddick
Get Fuzzy

Get Fuzzy

By Darby Conley
FoxTrot Classics

FoxTrot Classics

By Bill Amend
Pooch Cafe

Pooch Cafe

By Paul Gilligan
Big Nate

Big Nate

By Lincoln Peirce
Luann Againn

Luann Againn

By Greg Evans


By Greg Evans and Karen Evans


By Garry Trudeau
Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

By Wiley Miller
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

By Bill Watterson
Arlo and Janis

Arlo and Janis

By Jimmy Johnson
For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

By Lynn Johnston
Liberty Meadows

Liberty Meadows

By Frank Cho
Stone Soup

Stone Soup

By Jan Eliot
Arlo and Janis

Arlo and Janis

By Jimmy Johnson
Bad Machinery

Bad Machinery

By John Allison
Big Nate

Big Nate

By Lincoln Peirce
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

By Bill Watterson


By Garry Trudeau
For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

By Lynn Johnston


By Bill Amend
Liberty Meadows

Liberty Meadows

By Frank Cho
Looks Good on Paper

Looks Good on Paper

By Dan Collins


By Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

By Wiley Miller
Off the Mark

Off the Mark

By Mark Parisi
Perry Bible Fellowship

Perry Bible Fellowship

By Nicholas Gurewitch
Pooch Cafe

Pooch Cafe

By Paul Gilligan

Recent Comments

  1. 13 days ago on Bad Machinery

    Thank you, Mr. A., I have enjoyed coming to gc M-F for my next dose of the Bad Machinery kids, and I will miss it. I admire the creativity, the humor, and the innovation of your stories, and I marvel at the time and attention that must go into drawing each panel. I will use this ending as my cue to seek out your other work. Thank you and keep producing, you have many happy and devoted followers.“Proper job!”

  2. about 2 months ago on [Deleted]

    Well, that’s enticing! Allison, I’ve enjoyed reading your story and I am a little in awe of your courage, both to share your life in such a personal way and to take this leap. You have great talent and a good heart and that will bring good things – to all of us!

    Peace to you.

  3. about 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    Correct, though I have still done my share of loitering on the Ogunquit beach. No apoplectic owners in sight, so far, but it will be an interesting conversation.

  4. about 2 months ago on Luann

    With LuAnn, Greg and Karen do such a good job of portraying those late teen/early 20s kids who are taking more time to find their way. I was one of those – it just took me longer with some starts and stops, but all of that got me to my grown-up self with a purpose, doing some good in the world, and raising a family. No regrets.

    And Greg and Karen’s gentle humor with LuAnn’s extended adolescence makes me smile and remember.

  5. 3 months ago on Bad Machinery

    Ah, the sexual tension.

  6. 5 months ago on Liberty Meadows

    I can appreciate why Cho had occasional difficulties with the newspaper editors.

  7. 6 months ago on Bad Machinery

    “Pwoing!” :D

  8. 6 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Google your town’s Democratic Committee or your county’s – they will give you signs for your yard, and you can also help the cause by canvassing, doing phone banks, bundling campaign literature, office support, etc. etc. YOU can be the difference!

  9. 7 months ago on [Deleted]

    Grieving is so messy and hard, but so necessary to be able to get to something like “acceptance.” Sometimes it takes years, but hopefully not. But there comes a day when they aren’t the first thing you think about when you wake up and the last thing you think about when you go to sleep. The fantasized conversations in your head become fewer and fewer, and the desire and excitement of seeing the person become less and less and gradually they cease being at the center of your universe. It will sneak up on you and you will realize you are seeing a lot more color and even feeling joy in your life. Your laughing will surprise you the first few times. And then you will have escaped from orbiting around him. You will have started your new life. Keep going, Petunia.

  10. 9 months ago on Crabgrass

    Popeye could fool the parents, but not (most of) the kids. Yuck.