Race baiting that is desperation! It has nothing to do with the great Savior ever came, no white savior, not even Obama. Trump isn’t a savior, nor are Republicans, we offer jobs. Not Salvation.
It wasn’t a question. And no boys, we are not. If Republicans were racist, how is that we gained in all Demographics. We even got a larger Native American Vote than Caucasian.
Funny thing is, Yahoo news, says 65%, Native News says 51%. Don’t know Native News one way or another, Yahoo news, really isn’t a right leaning news source.
What I am referring to is we don’t have a choice. Everything they are putting in our food we all eat it, Hormones, Anti-biotics, added sugar in a lot of forms, preservatives. It add up, also it is children who are getting autism, so it is the food Mom and Dad eat.
Well you are not wrong, there are also Hormones, preservatives, don’t get me started on High Fructose Corn Syrup. You can fill a tanker truck in Argentina & drive it to Canada and it will be ready to go.