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Cherry Free

Hi someone

Recent Comments

  1. over 3 years ago on Luann

    Also, some people’s hair can get very straight or very curly as you go into adolescence/go through puberty.

  2. over 3 years ago on Luann

    I’m sure 2005 there would be some repercussions. Maybe not as extreme, due to modern technology, but still something.

  3. over 3 years ago on Luann

    @deafgirl110 She was replying to someone, I’d assume. The old site would keep the replies separate from the original comment.

  4. over 3 years ago on Luann

    Sunday strip. Not part of the archive.

  5. over 4 years ago on Cathy Commiserations

    Why is this funny? It’s about the “March for our lives” in 2018, following the Parkland high school shooting.

  6. over 4 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    They aren’t wrong, sadly.

  7. over 4 years ago on FoxTrot

    “Meanwhile, in Politics…”Classic.

  8. over 4 years ago on FoxTrot

    I guess it’s because people find it steriotypical, but I don’t want to offend you.

  9. over 4 years ago on FoxTrot

    Ever read Pearls Before Swine? ;)

  10. over 4 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Hello :P less than a minute agoLet a person be. if a person wants to change how they look, it’s their choice. To some of us, it looks really creepy. To others, they like it, and it’s an important part of who they are. Please don’t judge, if they do or don’t have tattoos or a lip ring or something.