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Allison "Big Al, the gal" Garwood Creator

Allison once slipped on a banana peel and pulled a groin muscle in a Target parking lot. Only a rare few humorists have reached this level of authenticity. She is pure. Allison is the creator of the comic strips NEUROTICA, Haiku Ewe, and Petunia & Dre!

Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    Shhhhh!!! Don’t tell anyone!! He would hate that! lololol

  2. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    Wow! Thank you! I’m printing this out and putting it on my desk! And… welcome!! — Your timing is actually pretty amazing. All morning I’ve been wondering why am I doing this weird experiment where I overshare my life through a comic strip? Your comment really perks me up. <3

  3. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    Hahaha! That’s because you have your head on way better than Petunia!

  4. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    Haha! Nope, he’s not for sale. He’s priceless!

  5. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    Evidently there must be a big one around 16.

  6. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    I was actually thinking the exact same thing!! Character design for him has been constant!!

  7. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    Haha! He’s actually a billion times cooler in real life than in the strip. A writer friend once told me I really needed to show Dre’s personality more. I’ve always wanted to, but I ran scared of telling his story instead of my own. I hope I’m finding my way with the balance.

  8. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    The best!!

  9. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    Haha maybe so! lol

  10. 3 days ago on Petunia & Dre

    Hahaha! It took my son a bit longer to grow taller than his Mom b/c I’m 5’8". He was thrilled when he reached 5’8.25" and started calling me “short stuff.”