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  1. 3 months ago on Cathy Classics

    I am glad that the folks I know are not like that. We know who can’t “do Christmas” and will take care of them in a way that is not demeaning but shows we care. I personally love to choose or make gifts for folks and am not much for receiving. There are so many ways to give without actual physical items.

  2. 3 months ago on Flo and Friends

    I read about this recently. Seems that many facts were omitted in the news when they told the story.

  3. 3 months ago on Flo and Friends

    I recently read the whole story that the media never bothered to tell folks. Seems it was not just a frivolous lawsuit over hot coffee.

  4. 3 months ago on Flo and Friends

    I think it is more for the law to protect the companies from lawsuits.

  5. 4 months ago on Nest Heads

    Any one from any generation who was/is a mother has to be good at multitasking. Try cooking, helping with homework and entertaining toddlers without a screen to keep them occupied.

  6. 4 months ago on One Big Happy

    Can a fellow be a villain all his life? Now I will be singing that song all day.

  7. 5 months ago on Flo and Friends

    Agree, but I think that stores are just grateful to have folks to work that they don’t care about common courtesy or doing the job correctly. Or they just care about the bottom line. Sigh.

  8. 5 months ago on Flo and Friends

    Where I live I would much rather use a self check out. Cashiers are rude, don’t bag for you or if they do, just shove stuff in any which way, and forget about getting a thank you. At the self check out I can take my time, bag things the way I want, and rarely treat myself rudely.

  9. 5 months ago on Flo and Friends

    I am not a big cell phone user but will always have a book on me. It amazes me how folks will interrupt me from reading before interrupting someone scrolling on their phone.

  10. 5 months ago on On A Claire Day

    Under the “Affordable Care Act” our health insurance went from about $250 to over $1000 per month with such a high deductible that it became an issue of being mandated to have insurance but not being able to afford to use it.