“Well, that depends on your choices, Charlie Brown. If everything goes wrong, you’ll be working on a side job for the rest of your life.”- Linus (probably)
Funny that Charlie Brown said last year that August 4th would be Snoopy’s Day, but since then, none of these days even mentioned this. I think Schulz totally forgot that he even wrote that. Wonder if the later strips will remember…
I like how all of the little kids (younger than CB) showed until now are really passionate about something, first Lucy and her checkers, then Schroeder and his piano, now Linus and his blocks.
Unfortunately, only Schroeder kept that passion, Lucy is now a therapist, and Linus is too focused on his blanket and philosophy to even think about blocks.
“Good grief” was used for the first time some months ago, but you can say that this is the first time it was implied to be a recurring gag! (That’s because it was used just a few days ago)
I don’t think it’s healthy to look directly at the sun every morning. Maybe that’s why she sees it differently each day…