Raijin by kaji01

BigR Free

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  1. almost 13 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    THAT is the FUNNIEST thing on here! 2 thumbs up!!

  2. almost 13 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    …plainly, the stupidity from both LOUD sides point to the sad idea that this country is going to implode before too long, because rather than addressing any real issue or problem, rhetoric and talking points are used, to NO solution. To say “this is what is happening and we must stop it…” only to have the reply be, “when (fill in the blank) was running things they did this wrong and that wrong…” is NO answer. There ARE solutions, and not everyone from every view will like them – but ACTUAL solutions would win out overall. We are all going to lose unless the people wake up and realize that our country is NOT like other countries, and should NOT be. We no longer respect and protect OUR history, OUR culture, OUR nation…we are doomed so long as this continues….no one is perfect, and good intentions are great, unless the intention takes the place of ACTUAL POSITIVE action. ALMOST nothing positive or helpful has happened in the last 3 years. Honestly – nothing. The economy is not really ‘getting better’ the unemployment rate is not really “getting lower” and the government that is supposed to be by, of and for us is too busy trying to stay in or take power, rather than really use good solutions. Doomed. Sad. The most powerful nation in history will self destruct…and we are going to let it. McCoy nailed it…lemmings off the cliff

  3. over 13 years ago on [Deleted]

    BS – - I have more than needed taken out of my paycheck – do a THOROUGH tax return, and get back about 1/4 of what was taken…there was a time when I let them take what was SUPPOSED to come out, and ended up with a tax DEBT of almost another $1000!!! that was as a single parent with 2 dependents and earning LESS that $45k a year. The ONLY people that get ALL or more back then they put in are those that make so little that after deductions they can claim EIC and other dependent tax breaks. That is people that are earning less than $20k (approx). People that make over $50k after deductions are the ones that PAY income tax in this country . . .

  4. over 13 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    yep. and it doesn’t matter WHAT ‘tax braket’ you are in.

  5. over 13 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    4 trillion over 10 years – after amassing more than 4 trillion of MORE debt in less than 4 years – - that really isn’t a solution. PEOPLE need to wake up – BOTH sides as a whole are playing politics instead of looking toward a REAL solution. It is almost ALL posturing and positioning for their own and their party’s future….this nation has become soft and weak, and the ONLY thing we as people have the power to do anymore is elect MORE “politiicans” in office to HELP????

  6. over 13 years ago on Working Daze

    yeah – - don’t confuse the boss with facts once her/his mind is made up.