
troubador52 Free

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  1. over 6 years ago on Jerry Holbert

    Jesus, find a new tune already, or at least someone else to blame for the Trump train wreck. Try to have an original thought.

  2. over 8 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Who left the idiot bag open?

  3. almost 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    As usual, the gross generalization to the rescue. How about a list of his failures for the rest of us to refute?

  4. almost 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    My only gripe about Obama is that he didn’t go after jobs right out of the chute. I think that hurt him with his core voters.

    The key would have been to boost employment, defusing one or the Republicans’ key issues against him right at the outset, to ensure re-election. Health care had waited 15 years already, and would have had a better shot once he was re-elected.

  5. almost 13 years ago on [Deleted]

    Well, Republicans have never been accused of letting logic slow them down :-)

    I think they’re just envious because we have a President with an IQ in triple digits.

  6. almost 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Not if we don’t give him the chance. Obama/Biden in 2012!

  7. almost 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Conservatives somehow believe it’s possible to advance by standing still (or even backing up). The logic of this escapes me, but somehow they’re able to live with the constant paradox.

  8. almost 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Right on! Nice to hear someone actually acknowledging his accomplishments in the face of the Right-Wing propaganda blitz!

    Romney shouldn’t even be in the same game as Obama, and if the Republicans weren’t so much more efficient at being nasty and venal, he wouldn’t be.

    Now, just for the record:


  9. almost 13 years ago on Robert Ariail

    Oh, please. Let’s have a look at Romney’s “promise meter.” Actually, instead of breaking his promises, he just slides over to the other side and demands them from his opponent.

  10. almost 14 years ago on Jim's Journal

    This comic is about as funny as dandruff. Does anyone know how I can get it taken out of my daily Calvin & Hobbes e-mail?