Tracey   april 2013

cattgirl813 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 12 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I feel you. This storyline has gone on a little too long for my tastes and with too few laughs.

  2. over 12 years ago on [Deleted]

    Thanks for the info!

  3. over 12 years ago on Jim's Journal

    I’m relatively new to this strip…have they started over from the beginning, or was the artist on vacation and that’s why there was a lull in strips for a time?

  4. over 12 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    I wish we were….

  5. over 12 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    @bbarton214Thank you for saying one of the things I was thinking. The other was this: “Man, this story line is really being dragged out….”

  6. over 12 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    But a little girl, say Meg’s age, would say “purple and pink,” and any wise woman talking to a young girl would speak in terms that young girl would understand.

  7. over 13 years ago on Candorville

    @SCAATY_423: Exactly. And very disappointing. Time to let this strip go.

  8. over 13 years ago on Candorville

    It looks like the writer (or the syndicate) wants to stretch this story line out even longer…even if it’s long past time to wrap this up.

  9. over 13 years ago on Ink Pen

    Thanks, BlueRaven. Boo to you, GoComics….

  10. over 13 years ago on The Knight Life

    Thank you, Blue Raven, for doing what UComics can’t (or won’t) do.