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prargall Free
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- about 9 years ago on Ben
over 9 years ago
on Garfield
That would be my guess!
over 9 years ago
on Ben
And double Eeeewwwww!
over 9 years ago
on Baldo
But you don’t see paying bills ans salary.And worry about bad month revenu or fraud…. Having a business is not that fun.
over 9 years ago
on Stone Soup International Sundays
Always depend on the book, some reading material was dry appealling to adults with a streak for sob stuff and traged ( greek tragedy or harsh reality )Which i did not like at all. Or others were chosen to related to a kid every day life… Which even less sense:I was born in a poor neighbors hood. If I wanted to related to that kind of life, all I had to do was walk out of my front door. I hated those even more….I read to feel, see and experience other countries or different realities. Not the same old, same old. Thank God , I got the reading bug, long before school or I would never have started.
over 9 years ago
on B.C.
So do I and my kids. I am captivated by Daddy Long legs. The coordination to move 8 very long legs with a brain smaller that a grain of salt. To coin a phrase: Fascinating!,,
over 9 years ago
on Baldo
So she is dreaming
over 9 years ago
on Dog Eat Doug
Grant you the second and fourth. But how on Earth did you find the other two?
@sallylin you are correct…Happy Birthday, Mr Barker!
over 9 years ago
on [Deleted]
Well one is not exclusif of the other, we, humans need to be more careful of our environment. But screaming the end of the word and returning to Nature is not productive and hunting and gathering is not the answer either. There is no going back. The biggest lost of arable lands in World History, was the appartion of the Sahara desert and the biggest raise of sea level was during the creatacean era. Human were not around. It is very arrogant of Humanity to believe everything that happen is related to us…
However, discease don’t lower our number anymore. We do have a bigger population than ever before with their needs and wastes raising un and up… In the very long term, it cannot continue. The Earth cannot sustain so many without consequences. We do need to take conservation measures… Reasonnable conservation measures with our ressources. If every one of us, do a little more each day like recycling, or even a simple pick up of trash in nature can do a difference.
over 9 years ago
on Stone Soup International Sundays
Pre-school call for swear words? Why?
Never had a cat pawing you with love? Or purring his heart’s out with his nose lonvingly press against your ear?