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  1. about 8 years ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I’ve been registered Democrat all my life but I couldn’t vote for Hillary, for all the right reasons. I don’t understand why the rest of my friends who are Democrats/liberals ignore the corruption of the Clinton Fdn (pay for play) and the private server (if hacked, gee, I wonder how?), and the fact that nationalism is better than globalism. I used to love editorial cartoons but the apocalyptic nonsense I’m seeing has me baffled. Hillary said she would bomb Iran and was jones-ing for a war with Russia. Why demonize Russia all of a sudden? Answer: Neocon globalists want to rule the world. Libya was the most prosperous country in Africa — education and health care for all (liberal ideas!) and we took it down, because they wanted to create an African currency based on gold – not on the globalist petrodollar. Where are the liberals, by the way, on Muslims persecuting gays (off the roof with you!) and their treatment of women? Islamophobia? Hmm.

  2. about 8 years ago on Matt Davies

    Lump of coal in the stocking. Brilliant.

  3. about 8 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    The idea that mainstream journalism is a bulwark against disinfo and misinfo is surely a joke

  4. almost 9 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    It would have been a great cartoon even if the Devil had just said “What?” but adding “the hell” gives it a double!