Most of these examples are spankings for bad behavior and well deserved that is not violence that is discipline. I promise you if someone told me as a kid to take a time out to think about what I had done I would spend that time thinking of what to do next. My mom disciplined me by spanking me up to 12 when I was more able to get the lesson with the sore butt. That is discipline not violence. And as for John he can be a jerk and constantly humiliates Elly in from of the kids and friends and often richly deserves the cup to the head.
So many people say snarky things about Elly but John is truly an ass and that is rarely mentioned. He constantly treats his wife as if she has no feeling and is worthless. I would have thrown him out with the bath water long ago.
Not true my high school boyfriend did that kind of thing all the time. He was wonderful teenage boyfriend I still think of what a perfect boyfriend he was.
i HAVE ACTUALLY DONE THIS and the cop laughed and walked away I was gone about two hours my car was still there no extra ticket, no, boot. so Elly is probably safe.
Yes I will admit to having been embarrassed for reacting so strongly to a comic and still feeling that way days later but after having read through like 10 books of these strips from these early years to the end of the stripthey feel like family members… silly but true
so once again Brad gives up his needs for hers