Well, it’s a bit off-topic in that it has nothing to do with magic, but comics historian Bill Blackbeard contends that the first comics superhero made his debut in 1929. He affected a naval uniform, ingested a substance that gave him super strength, had a loyal girlfriend, and had an unreliable sidekick. He had many adventures, including ones that count as supernatural and as science fiction. See Blackbeard’s “The First (Arf, Arf) Superhero of Them All,” chapter 4 in Dick Lupoff and Don Thompson’s All In Color For A Dime (New York: Ace Books, 1970)
Well, it’s a bit off-topic in that it has nothing to do with magic, but comics historian Bill Blackbeard contends that the first comics superhero made his debut in 1929. He affected a naval uniform, ingested a substance that gave him super strength, had a loyal girlfriend, and had an unreliable sidekick. He had many adventures, including ones that count as supernatural and as science fiction. See Blackbeard’s “The First (Arf, Arf) Superhero of Them All,” chapter 4 in Dick Lupoff and Don Thompson’s All In Color For A Dime (New York: Ace Books, 1970)