Rabbits Against Magic by Jonathan Lemon for May 27, 2024

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 10 months ago

    The market crashed while Trump was in office.

    MAGAts believe, of course, that it was Biden that crashed the market.


    MAGAt analysis skills.

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    Argythree  10 months ago

    The market is only one of our worries if Trump is re-elected. What about ending up with an admirer of Putin as our Chief Executive? This could be our last Presidential election…

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    pat sandy creator 10 months ago


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    Dobber Premium Member 10 months ago

    Some complain about inflation in the USA. They are clueless about how bad it’s happening in the rest of the world. Yet “they” will blame all of it on Biden. As if he had that kind of power (SMH)

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    Mike Baldwin creator 10 months ago

    What Scares me more than Trump are the Trumpets.

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  6. Bunway
    RabbitDad  10 months ago

    At least redhat is admitting that trump was wrong when he said the market would crash…

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    LNER4472 Premium Member 10 months ago

    There are a couple of ways to look at this:

    1) The stock market surges forward IN SPITE OF whoever’s in the White House—or even Congress. The smart fiscal analysts all said “as long as whoever’s elected leaves Alan Greenspan the h*** alone, the stock market will do well.” They admitted they were exaggerating his power or that of the position of Chairman of the Federal Reserve—but only slightly. Ben Bernanke was smart enough not to muck with policy further, in spite of the 2008 recession. Their successors, Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell, have mixed reviews.

    2) The object of both global policy and fiscal policy should be to prevent the ability of an outside entity—OPEC and Japan in the 1970s, China more recently—to have the impact that the 1970s did with a stock market decline and inflation. Reagan, Clinton, the Bushes, Trump, etc. and the attendant Congresses kept that going; Obama less so. In the end, we could well be paying for Biden (or Obama II) for a decade or more to come, once enough fecal matter hits the fan. (In the same way, Osama bin Laden came to his power in part because of the Clinton administration’s relative inaction against Islamic jihadism.)

    3) Some will say that the success of the stock market is indicative of the failure to rein in “unfettered greed”—i.e. capitalism. If you are of the leftist persuasion that believes corporations and capitalism are evil, by default you CANNOT use a successful stock market as either a political positive or an indicator of a “successful” economy.

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    banjoAhhh!   10 months ago

    Mr. Wiggly: He’s in the last panel guarding the child from all harm.

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