Reality Check by Dave Whamond for January 21, 2015
January 20, 2015
January 22, 2015
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish... Then: You feed him for a lifetime Now: hey! What happened to the free fish? I'm entitled to my free fish! Free fish! Free fish! Free fish!
The left side of the cartoon is about “responsibility”. The right side is about “right”. I guess the frequency of use of the words “right” to “responsibility” is about 100 to 1 in the media which shows where a lot of people’s focus is. This is the road to ‘crash and burn’ as noted previously.
Teach everybody to fish and soon there will be nothing to catch. That’s the main problem with our educational system: no diversification. Everybody learns the same useless knowledge.
This comic is definitely going to be posted on our office refrigerator. We have lefties, righties and centerists in the office so it should trigger some interesting discussions. I hope to avoid arguments.
Well, you know, when you go through all that trouble to learn how to fish and then some big corporation installs a huge net upstream that doesn’t let any fish trickle down to you, you tend to get upset
Perhaps there wouldn’t be such a demand for “my rights” if you had to fulfill the obligations associated with those rights. E.g. giving to the community, being an asset rather than a burden. Wonder how many people would take assistance if there was some sort of “pay back” or quid pro quo attached? For example-to get unemployment benefits you need to show up, on time, properly dressed, and able to function (sober) five days a week for eight hours a day for job training.
sueamarlucan: I was blessed yesterday; I made queso blanco..khatkhattu: I assume your idea of “properly dressed” means the costume of the pixil-shuffelers, rather than that of those who do useful work.
If I wanted a political cartoon, I would choose them instead of this one. So after I send this I will be canceling my subscription to this one and finding one that offers entertainment instead of politics!
Michael McGinnis Premium Member about 10 years ago
The left side of the cartoon is about “responsibility”. The right side is about “right”. I guess the frequency of use of the words “right” to “responsibility” is about 100 to 1 in the media which shows where a lot of people’s focus is. This is the road to ‘crash and burn’ as noted previously.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member about 10 years ago
Teach everybody to fish and soon there will be nothing to catch. That’s the main problem with our educational system: no diversification. Everybody learns the same useless knowledge.
Michael McGinnis Premium Member about 10 years ago
In Biblical times some people who received free fish were also loafers.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 10 years ago
Teach a man to fish and you can sell him bait and beer for the rest of his life.
Tigdi about 10 years ago
This comic is definitely going to be posted on our office refrigerator. We have lefties, righties and centerists in the office so it should trigger some interesting discussions. I hope to avoid arguments.
ArtyD2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Feed a man a poisoned fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Diane in comics land Premium Member about 10 years ago
Well, you know, when you go through all that trouble to learn how to fish and then some big corporation installs a huge net upstream that doesn’t let any fish trickle down to you, you tend to get upset
ckostka145 about 10 years ago
Give a 1 percenter a tax cut and they’ll destroy the country to get more.
Khatkhattu Premium Member about 10 years ago
Perhaps there wouldn’t be such a demand for “my rights” if you had to fulfill the obligations associated with those rights. E.g. giving to the community, being an asset rather than a burden. Wonder how many people would take assistance if there was some sort of “pay back” or quid pro quo attached? For example-to get unemployment benefits you need to show up, on time, properly dressed, and able to function (sober) five days a week for eight hours a day for job training.
tahoeh2o about 10 years ago
Teach a man to fish and he could get killed by a nuclear submarine…
True story…
hippogriff about 10 years ago
sueamarlucan: I was blessed yesterday; I made queso blanco..khatkhattu: I assume your idea of “properly dressed” means the costume of the pixil-shuffelers, rather than that of those who do useful work.
hjkl; about 10 years ago
Seven billion people all fishing from the same waters? Kinda makes you rethink that big family, doesn’t it?
darkhumorman about 10 years ago
Teach a man how to fish and he’ll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
wabigbear about 10 years ago
Is it REALLY necessary to post your snarly comments on a comic strip?
kevin650 about 10 years ago
If I wanted a political cartoon, I would choose them instead of this one. So after I send this I will be canceling my subscription to this one and finding one that offers entertainment instead of politics!
MrRobots about 10 years ago
He can’t be entitled!
He’s not the right ethnicity!!!
pouncingtiger about 10 years ago
That’s what Republican voters think what democrats are like.
PaBlum Premium Member about 10 years ago
Love it!
mackenzie0158 about 10 years ago
Why don’t all you whiners save your political rubbish for the editorial cartoons and let the rest of us enjoy the comics.
Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member about 10 years ago
@Justjoking I third your comment!
colcam about 10 years ago
Free fish! Free fish!Free fish!
And tomorrow’s panel needs to be him standing outside Sea World as he watches the crowd set free the captives—
“That’s NOT what I meant, people!”