Dad, I forget- where were you born again? Brooklyn. Home to Coney Island, famous hotdogs- and of course, the world's greatest cheesecake! That's right, Utopia!
I never lived in Brooklyn, but friends did, and I have the fondest of memories of Coney Island and Junior’s. Not sure if it was the best cheesecake in the world, but it was certainly bleeep good.
This is set in the 60’s, and it is realistic that most of the grownups smoked at that time. Also, it was kind of a cliche in sitcoms back then for the wise dad giving advice to be smoking a pipe and wearing a sweater with leather elbow patches.
comicgos almost 14 years ago
COWBOY7 almost 14 years ago
In the eyes of a young boy! lol
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Well I do like cheese cake, but I love Cajun food. New Orleans would be my Utopia.
StelBel almost 14 years ago
My aunt, who lived in Brooklyn for most of her life, referred to it as God’s Country.
pamlicorat almost 14 years ago
I don’t like either. Not so Utopian for me.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Aw yes the cyclone!…..wwwweeeee!
Destiny23 almost 14 years ago
A Coney Island hot dog before health inspections were invented – proof that the human stomach can handle pretty much anything!
fishbulb239 almost 14 years ago
I no longer eat hot dogs and have always hated cheesecake, but I definitely see Brooklyn or Manhattan as utopia. Sigh, someday…
lightenup Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Yes, in the eyes of a kid. They all sound good to me, but only for a visit. Wouldn’t want rollercoasters, hot dogs and cheesecake every day.
Dee4theanimals almost 14 years ago
Rover looks pretty excited about it!
farren almost 14 years ago
I never lived in Brooklyn, but friends did, and I have the fondest of memories of Coney Island and Junior’s. Not sure if it was the best cheesecake in the world, but it was certainly bleeep good.
vzs1022 almost 14 years ago
I’m impressed Red knows the word “utopia” and how to use it.
TopazSkies almost 14 years ago
Egg cream, anyone?
momazilla almost 14 years ago
Where-ever you grew up is Utopia….To you
gecik almost 14 years ago
I am disappointed that Red’s father is a smoker; I am more distressed that he is smoking inside the house and thus exposing Red to second-hand smoke.
Is this supposed to be a retro-look, is Brian Basset ignorant of the health risks, or is he glamorizing smoking like the bad old (hack-hack) days?
hfelder7219 almost 6 years ago
This is set in the 60’s, and it is realistic that most of the grownups smoked at that time. Also, it was kind of a cliche in sitcoms back then for the wise dad giving advice to be smoking a pipe and wearing a sweater with leather elbow patches.