Red and Rover by Brian Basset for December 15, 2011
December 14, 2011
December 16, 2011
I still say Rudolph needs to see an ear, nose and throat specialist. It's not very comfortable. There are more important things than comfort- self-respect! Santa can't object to you now!
Catfeet Premium Member about 13 years ago
A case of Rudolph’s rosacea running rampant?
comicgos about 13 years ago
That or GE for a new light bulb!
Lyons Group, Inc. about 13 years ago
That holiday special ran for a few years on NBC, GE (NBC’s future parent) was its sponsor. Comcast is now NBC’s parent.
GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago
What would the EN&T guy do? Change the lightbulb?
Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 13 years ago
Rudolph is just special Red.
Ermine Notyours about 13 years ago
Still not in hi-def though. I guess you need to get the Blu-Ray for that.