Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 06, 2012
24 christmas eve dad: kids, this year instead of cookies, we're leaving santa a big bowl of venison chili! kids: yay! 25 christmas day santa: mmm, what's in this stuff? 26 a nutcracker kwanzaa carol tim: hey johnny cochran, the mouse king stole my umoja. cochran: i'll get your umoja back, tiny tim! 27 sweater flashback trauma clinic. man: tiny angular reindeer- they're everywhere. counselor: have some chili. 31 post-millennium apocalyptic cult expo. sign up for cult of your choice! in event of an apoc-alypse, this may be moved to the next millennium. larry's neato cult cargo pants cult big bang cult little whimper cult tasty snacks cult anime cult january 1 new year's day commence misdating checks. grandma: whoops! oh, dear! not again! bad old me! ah
Ida No over 12 years ago
Santa: “And what’s this big ol’ red cherry doing in my chili?”
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Venison chili seems to be the favored solution for all life’s problems here. That, and the cult-of-choice….
jmcx4 over 12 years ago
Mmmmm….Bambi Bacon
Banjo Evans over 12 years ago
Wonder when this first ran? Thompson ahead of the curve again on the ugly sweater trend, I’d bet.
Cat43ullus over 12 years ago
“Cargo Pants Cult” LOL!
jcomics52 over 12 years ago
The dids in the first panel look like Alice and Pete from culd de sac.
marshalljpeters Premium Member over 12 years ago
Never had bear, but venison is delicious, if prepared right. Rabbit tastes basically like chicken. My mom would use it anywhere you would use chicken in a recipe, and we couldn’t tell the difference.