Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 18, 2015
Richard's Poor Almanac Christmas Can You Find It Fun Page By Richard Thompson Kids love it! And so do most adults! It's even less compelling than the tic-tac-toe section of a children's placemat at Denny's if you ask me. It's giving me a headache. Ew. Ew. Can you find- a menorah, a fish, a shoe, another shoe, a recently unemployed elf, a wad of tinsel, Rod Blagojevich's forehead, a fruitcake (in fact: ur-fruitcake, progenitor of all subsequent fruitcakes), a bailout, the last Chrysler, a driedel, Dick Cheney's undisclosed retirement location, a hook that lacks an ornament, a regifted item of such unspeakable hideousness that it blasts the sanity of all who behold it, a massive headache?
Sisyphos about 9 years ago
Yes, yes; all that, and more. I feel the Spirit of the Fun Page!
Ermine Notyours about 9 years ago
We’re supposed to find a hidden shoe? What do they think this is, Bizarro?
pumaman about 9 years ago
The last Chrysler is yet to be made!