Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for June 14, 2019
Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson The Century in the Post Excerpts from the first rough draft of history as reported in the Washington Post on this date in the 20th century. Dagwood Takes First Nap on Sofa April 18, 1937- After being assured at work by his boss, Mr. Dithers, Dagwood Bumstead returns home. There he prepares and consumes a large sandwich to the evident amusement of Daisy, the family dog. Dagwood, now logy and depressed, curls up on the sofa for a nap. Elmo the child next door, immediately starts practicing his tuba right outside the window. Dagwood awakens, angry and frustrated, wanting to know why a man can't get some sleep. On his own sofa for crying out loud. Then Blondie returns shopping with a lot of bags full of dresses and shoes and all hell breaks loose. Identical situations may be seen on June 3 1939; May 7, 1943; March 1954-July 1962; all of 1977 and last Tuesday. Blondie Loafer! Snkxx
Opus is now playing the tuba, not Elmo! See Bloom County Classics for this day (14 June).