Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 10, 2019
what's going to happen, probably as more people work longer & odder hours & more services become avail-able 24 hours a day, we'll see society begin to divide along the lines of temporal preference. guy 1: i'm a morning person. guy 2: i'm a night owl. gradually, inevitably, we'll mutate into two, distinct strains of human being. vwip foont the daylight people, or eloi1, will live on the surface, frolicking in sunlit glades & working your basic nine-to-five. bowl haircuts for every-one! healthy skin tone masks a general air-headedness. noisy tie. no more pants. flip-flops. the night people, or morlocks2, will dwell underground in vast caverns & abandoned metro tun-nels, doing society's heavy lifting & most of the creative thinking. big gollumy eyes. dampish. and green. coffee tremors. ill-fitting tire-salesman-style outfit. webbed fingers. it'll all work out surprisingly well, except when the morlocks get fed up with the elois' insistent sunny disposition and practice a little ritual cannibalism. guy 1: mornin' fred! guy 2: g'night you grinning drone-burger. 1. cf. "the time machine" by h.g. wells or the movie starring yvette mimieux in a short toga. 2 same.
aerilim over 5 years ago
All l remember of that movie is Ivette’s short toga….
J Quest over 5 years ago
Yes, I also remember Weena (and the short toga) but I still don’t understand the evolutionary advantage of those bowl haircuts.
Teto85 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Not yet. Those customer service reps you call at night are in the Philippines or India. And they cannot fix your problem so you try to get an English speaker the next day.
WCraft over 5 years ago
Love that movie – both versions! Nice to have a back story as to how the two groups evolved.
Sisyphos over 5 years ago
I’m definitely a Morlock, and I lusted after Yvette Mimieux, too!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Morlocks are the proletariat, Eloi are the bourgeois.