Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for January 07, 2020
some advice for the academy it's oscar time! but what if some pushy winner won't shut up? actor: i'd like to thank my agent & my mother & my sommelier & l. ron hubbard & my cats - what th - a rolling blackout might slow him down. actor: & my producer & my feng shuist & my rolodex & hey! i'm not finished! blamo try an exploding oscar with a 2 minute fuse. res hollywood! actor: & my personal trainer & my geneticist & no! no! get them away from me! a dispirited group of oscar winners from years past who've slipped back into obscurity could be herded onstage. actor: & i'd like to thank god for believing in me! god: oh, yeah? an act of god. when approached, he said he'd love to help, but only with best picture, maybe best director.
well-i-never about 5 years ago
Snipping. Now there’s your sign.
WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago
Sommelier and L. Ron Hubbard? A fun guy!
DCBakerEsq about 5 years ago
I’d like to thank the guy at my local comic book store who recommended the new version of ‘Doom Patrol,’ and I’d like to thank Neil Gaian because … well, he’s Neil, and I’d like to thank Ray Bradbury. We miss you, Ray. And, I’d like …
PoodleGroomer about 5 years ago
Miss Sweety Poo: “Please Stop. I’m bored.”
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 5 years ago
L. Ron Hubbard is mummified and rides on his solid platinum with gold and encrusted with rare jewels super yacht riding it continuously around the world forever.
In this state he is clear to ascend at any time…
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
Just cancel the ceremony, or at least don’t watch it on TV. Let the Hollywoodheads talk amongst themselves….