Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 14, 2025
richard's poor almanac --- by richard thompson modern gas pump etiquette the first rule of etiquette at the gas pump is; drivers of humvees & other behemoth class ve-hicles must yield to cars with higher occupant-to-vehivle-mass ratio before they may fill their tanks. driver: not another clown car! clown: ha ha! second; if you see an attendant about to raise the price, you may not "accidentally" back over him. driver: oops! hold still you attendant: it's not my fault! 9 third, comport yourself with at least a shred of dignity. this means no shrieking, no sobbing & no dabbing up gas stains off the pavement with a tissue. car: gurgle woman: alas. woe, oh, woe man: look! gas! ha ha ha ha ha! mine mine mine fourth: once they make it to the pump, drivers of humvees or other bcvs have to buy everybody else a round of gas. driver 2: gee, thanks pal! driver 3: i'll have twelve gallons. driver 4: make mine super.
Electric Hummers.