Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for November 02, 2020
richard's poor richard thompson the official obama finger puppet finally! millions of you requested it, and here it is. cut here a finger puppet you'll be telling your grand-children about, until they tell you to please stop. cut here recognizing the historic importance of the obama finger puppet, the washington post has printed an additional four million copies of this edition. this special edition, avail-able for $20 wherever fine newspapers are sold, will make a treasured family keepsake that will increase in value in years to come! cut here in today's un-certain economy, collectible news-papers may be the only stable commodity. hurry! tape here tape here crowd: my obama finger puppet gave me a puppy! mine gave me a job as secretary of state! i can walk! i can see! a finger puppet? i was hoping for one of those holograms, like cnn has.
Uhh, golly gee, sir. On which finger should I impale the Magnificent Obama?
BTW, I don’t have $200 for ten copies. Could I just buy one and then make my own photocopies?