Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for November 13, 2020
richard's poor almanac adrenaland by richard thompson it's america's most unnerving amusement park driver: stop that screamin'! i'm tryin' to drive! the fun starts as soon as you board one of our parking lot trams! all of our drivers are grouchy, impatient, lead-footed retirees! and they've all got microphones! bile riser baby shake this week we're opening 3 more roller coasters - the defribilator, the irate ferret & the herniator, raising our total to 153 coasters! or 154, we've lost track. snacks kids jut love our cartoon mascots! here, sorefoot mclinewaiter, andy adrenalgland & heavin' steven make one little boy's visit way too memorable! driver: i said stop that screamin'! and check out our newest, state-of-the-art, mult-million dollar simulation ride - tramride-3d! it's so real you'll think it's time to go home!
Clowns don’t bother me. But I was never a big fan of theme parks or amusement parks….